Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Gefäß- und Endokrine Chirurgie

Nursing expertise

Emergency care (PQ12)
Management of a ward / area (PQ05)
Nursing care in oncology (PQ07)

Weiterbildung in 2020 beendet

Nursing care during operations (PQ08)
Practical guide (PQ20)
Intensive care and anaesthesia (PQ04)
Bachelor’s degree (PQ01)
Diabetes (ZP03)


OP coordination / OP management (ZP27)
Stroke unit care (ZP29)
Geriatrics (ZP07)

Zercur Geriatrie

Vascular assistant DGG® (ZP32)
Kinaesthetics (ZP08)
Palliative care (ZP20)