
Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
2.990 9-649.41
2.882 9-649.20
2.754 9-649.31
2.305 9-649.33
2.124 9-649.40
2.081 9-696.41
2.026 9-649.42
1.850 9-649.51
1.749 9-696.32
1.715 9-696.40
1.601 9-649.50
Complex psychotherapeutic treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 1.312 9-626
1.264 9-696.42
1.148 9-696.31
1.119 9-696.20
1.033 9-696.50
1.011 9-649.43
1.010 9-649.35
971 9-696.33
950 9-696.35
925 9-649.10
881 9-649.32
Standard treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 835 9-607
827 9-649.52
804 9-696.43
727 9-696.11
Regular treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in children and adolescents 681 9-656
659 9-649.11
625 9-696.10
625 9-696.51
624 9-696.30
573 9-649.53
535 9-649.44
522 9-696.44
516 9-696.34
436 9-649.30
433 9-696.21
429 9-649.21
418 9-649.34
418 9-696.52
325 9-696.36
318 9-696.53
317 9-649.37
307 9-696.12
306 9-696.45
291 9-649.13
278 9-696.13
258 9-696.38
223 9-696.54
Complex psychosomatic-psychotherapeutic treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 218 9-634
207 9-649.45
195 9-696.46
179 9-696.55
174 9-649.0
172 9-649.54
161 9-649.36
143 9-649.12
135 9-696.37
109 9-696.15
107 9-696.47
99 9-696.22
96 9-649.55
94 9-696.56
89 9-649.46
84 9-696.57
82 9-696.14
75 9-696.39
74 9-696.48
69 9-649.14
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with five or more characteristics 67 9-61b
67 9-649.39
65 9-649.15
53 9-696.3b
51 9-649.22
49 9-696.49
46 9-696.16
45 9-649.38
41 9-649.47
40 9-696.58
37 9-649.56
36 9-696.17
33 9-696.3a
31 9-696.23
30 9-696.0
30 9-696.59
25 9-696.4a
23 9-649.48
19 9-696.4b
18 9-649.16
18 9-696.5b
17 9-696.18
17 9-696.4g
17 9-696.5a
16 9-696.19
15 9-649.3b
13 9-649.57
11 9-696.4c
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with four characteristics 10 9-61a
10 9-649.23
10 9-649.49
10 9-696.4d
9 9-649.3a
9 9-696.3c
9 9-696.3e
8 9-649.4b
8 9-696.1a
7 9-649.4a
7 9-696.24
7 9-696.3g
7 9-696.5c
6 9-696.3d
6 9-696.4f
5 9-649.3d
5 9-649.4c
5 9-696.4e
4 9-649.24
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 1 of the procedures list not specified 6-001.d2
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with one characteristic not specified 9-617
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with three characteristics not specified 9-619
not specified 9-649.17
not specified 9-649.18
not specified 9-649.25
not specified 9-649.3c
not specified 9-649.3g
not specified 9-649.4d
not specified 9-649.4e
not specified 9-649.4g
not specified 9-649.58
not specified 9-649.59
Intensive psychiatric-psychosomatic treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents not specified 9-672
not specified 9-693.10
not specified 9-696.1b
not specified 9-696.1c
not specified 9-696.1d
not specified 9-696.1f
not specified 9-696.1g
not specified 9-696.25
not specified 9-696.26
not specified 9-696.28
not specified 9-696.3f
not specified 9-696.5d
not specified 9-696.5e
not specified 9-696.5f
not specified 9-696.5h