Vor- und nachstationäre Leistungen nach § 115a SGB V | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11) |
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Service offered: |
Arteriography Care of patients before and after transplantation Computer-aided image data analysis with 3D evaluation Computer-aided image data analysis with 4D evaluation Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents Computed tomography (CT), native Computer tomography (CT), special procedures Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male genital organs Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of renal insufficiency Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the kidney and ureter Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urinary system Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urogenital system Diagnosis and treatment of tubulointerstitial kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis Dialysis Duplex sonography One-dimensional Doppler sonography Endosonography Fluoroscopy as a standalone service Incontinence surgery Interventional radiology Intraoperative application of the procedures Paediatric urology Bone density measurement (all methods) Conventional radiographs Lymphography Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery Native sonography Neuro-urology Renal surgery Surface radiotherapy Orthovolt radiotherapy Phlebography Plastic-reconstructive surgery of kidney, urinary tract and bladder Projection radiography using a contrast agent procedure Prostate Centre Quantitative determination of parameters Pain therapy Single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) Sonography with contrast agents Special consultation hour - Urology and nephrology Scintigraphy Teleradiology Therapy with open radionuclides Tumour Surgery Urodynamics / Urological functional diagnostics Uro-gynaecology |
Notfallambulanz (24h) | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08) |
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Service offered: |
Arteriography Care of patients before and after transplantation Computer-aided image data analysis with 3D evaluation Computer-aided image data analysis with 4D evaluation Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents Computed tomography (CT), native Computer tomography (CT), special procedures Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male genital organs Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of renal insufficiency Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the kidney and ureter Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urinary system Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urogenital system Diagnosis and treatment of tubulointerstitial kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis Duplex sonography One-dimensional Doppler sonography Endosonography Fluoroscopy as a standalone service Interventional radiology Paediatric urology Conventional radiographs Lymphography Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery Native sonography Neuro-urology Renal surgery Phlebography Plastic-reconstructive surgery of kidney, urinary tract and bladder Projection radiography using a contrast agent procedure Prostate Centre Pain therapy Sonography with contrast agents Special consultation hour - Urology and nephrology Teleradiology Tumour Surgery Urodynamics / Urological functional diagnostics Uro-gynaecology |
Privatambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
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Service offered: |
Arteriography Care of patients before and after transplantation Computer-aided image data analysis with 3D evaluation Computer-aided image data analysis with 4D evaluation Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents Computed tomography (CT), native Computer tomography (CT), special procedures Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male genital organs Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of renal insufficiency Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the kidney and ureter Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urinary system Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urogenital system Diagnosis and treatment of tubulointerstitial kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis Dialysis Duplex sonography One-dimensional Doppler sonography Endosonography Fluoroscopy as a standalone service Incontinence surgery Interventional radiology Intraoperative application of the procedures Paediatric urology Bone density measurement (all methods) Conventional radiographs Lymphography Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery Native sonography Neuro-urology Renal surgery Surface radiotherapy Orthovolt radiotherapy Phlebography Plastic-reconstructive surgery of kidney, urinary tract and bladder Projection radiography using a contrast agent procedure Prostate Centre Quantitative determination of parameters Pain therapy Single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) Sonography with contrast agents Special consultation hour - Urology and nephrology Scintigraphy Teleradiology Therapy with open radionuclides Tumour Surgery Urodynamics / Urological functional diagnostics Uro-gynaecology |
AM04 | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04) |
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Service offered: |