Katja Heuer
Neue Kampstrasse 2
23714 Bad Malente
Lenkungsausschuss: Geschäftsführung, Chefärzte, ltd. Psychologe, Oberärzte, Abteilungsleitungen, QMB, Betriebsrat
Conference frequency: andere Frequenz
Mario Barthel
Neue Kampstrasse 2
23714 Bad Malente
Fax: 04523-407-725
Lenkungsausschuss: Geschäftsführung, Chefärzte, ltd. Psychologe, Oberärzte, Abteilungsleitungen, QMB, Betriebsrat
Conference frequency: andere Frequenz
No. | Explanation |
RM01 |
Comprehensive quality and/or risk management documentation (QM/RM documentation) is available Konzept Risikomanagement (04.08.2022) |
RM02 |
Regular further education and training measures |
RM03 |
Employee surveys |
RM04 |
Clinical emergency management Konzept med. Notfallmanagement (28.07.2022) |
RM05 |
Pain management Konzept Therapie chronische Schmerzen (28.07.2022) |
RM09 |
Regulated handling of occurring malfunctions of devices Gerätewartung (18.10.2022) |
RM10 |
Structured implementation of interdisciplinary case discussions/conferences Case review conference
RM12 |
Use of standardised information sheets |
RM15 |
Preoperative, complete presentation of necessary findings Prästationäre Diagnostik PSD (28.07.2022) |
RM18 |
Discharge management Prozess Entlassmanagement (28.07.2022) |
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
Hygienekonzept zu Covid-19 Schutzmaßnahmen
No. | Explanation |
IF01 |
Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available As of: 10.11.2022 |
IF02 |
Internal evaluation of the received reports taken quartalsweise |
IF03 |
Training of employees in handling the error reporting system and in implementing the findings from the error reporting system taken bei Bedarf |
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
No. | Explanation |
EF03 |
KH-CIRS (German Hospital Federation, Action Alliance for Patient Safety, German Nursing Council, German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors) |