Klinik für Neurologie

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Plasmapherese-Therapie bei MS VN00
Anerkanntes Zentrum für Multiple Sklerose VN00
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the optic nerve and the visual path VA09
Diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders and blindness z. B. Sehschule VA11
Diagnostics / therapy for vertigo VH07
Diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders FEES VH24
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VI06
Intensive care medicine VI20
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases VI30
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders / sleep medicine VI32
Diagnosis and treatment of coagulation disorders VI33
Palliative care VI38
Pain therapy VI40
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases Stroke Unit und Einleitung der Frührehabilitation VN01
Diagnosis and treatment of other neurovascular diseases Vasculitiden VN02
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory CNS diseases VN03
Diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmunological diseases VN04
Diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders VN05
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases of the brain VN06
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the brain VN07
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the meninges VN08
Diagnosis and treatment of systematrophies that mainly affect the central nervous system VN10
Diagnosis and treatment of extrapyramidal diseases and movement disorders VN11
Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system VN12
Diagnosis and treatment of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system VN13
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nerves, nerve roots and nerve plexus VN14
Diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathies and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system VN15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the neuromuscular synapse and muscle region VN16
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy and other paralysis syndromes VN17
Neurological emergency and intensive care medicine auf der interdisziplinären Intensivstation VN18
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases VN19
Special consultation hour - Neurology Multiple Sklerose (MS) und Erkrankungen des autoimmunologischen Formenkreises - Myasthenie, - für motorische Systemerkrankungen und Polyneuropathien, - Botulinumtoxin Therapie bei Spastiken u. Dystonie - Schlafstörungen bei neurologischen Erkrankungen - Muskelsprechstunde, ebenso Privatsprechstunde VN20
Neurological early rehabilitation VN21
Sleep medicine VN22
Pain therapy VN23
Stroke unit Zertifiziert gem. den Kriterien der Deutschen Schlaganfall Gesellschaft und der Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall Hilfe als Überregionale Stroke Unit seit dem 12.06.2020. VN24
Diagnosis and treatment of deformities of the spine and back VO03
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the spine and back VO05
Diagnosis and treatment of muscular diseases VO06
Pain therapy / multimodal pain therapy VO18
Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders VP03
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders VP04
Diagnosis and treatment of gerontopsychiatric disorders VP10
Conventional radiographs VR01
Native sonography VR02
One-dimensional Doppler sonography VR03
Duplex sonography VR04
Sonography with contrast agents VR05
Endosonography VR06
Projection radiography using a contrast agent procedure z. B. Myelographie, Bronchographie, Ösophagographie, Gastrographie, Cholangiographie, Kolonkontrastuntersuchung, Urographie, Arthrographie VR09
Computed tomography (CT), native VR10
Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents VR11
Computer tomography (CT), special procedures VR12
Arteriography VR15
Phlebography VR16
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native VR22
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents VR23
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures VR24
Interventional radiology VR41
Neuroradiology VR43
Neuro-urology ausschließlich Restharn VU09