Medizinische Klinik II - Abteilung für Kardiologie und Angiologie

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Gutachtertätigkeiten VH00
(„Sonstiges“) VX00
(„Sonstiges“) VX00
24-Stunden Bereitschaft für Akut-Koronarinterventionen VX00
Brustschmerzzentrum VX00
Komplexbehandlung lebensbedrohlicher Herzrhythmusstörungen VX00
Verbundzentrum akuter Herzinfarkt VX00
Special consultation hour Spezialsprechstunde für Schrittmacher- und Defibrillatorkontrollen VA17
Heart valve surgery VC03
Pacemaker procedures Implantation spezieller Systeme zur Verbesserung der Pumpleistung des Herzens bei Herzschwäche (CCM=cardiac contractility modulation) VC05
Defibrillator procedures komplexe 3-Kammersysteme zur gleichzeitigen Therapie von gefährlichen Herzrhythmusstörungen und Resynchronisation bei Herzschwäche VC06
Diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart diseases VI01
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary circulation diseases VI02
Diagnosis and treatment of other forms of heart disease VI03
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the arteries, arterioles and capillaries VI04
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension (high pressure sickness) VI07
Intensive care medicine VI20
Care of patients before and after transplantation VI21
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia VI31
Diagnosis and treatment of coagulation disorders VI33
Electrophysiology VI34
Transfusion medicine VI42
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VN01
Stroke unit VN24
Native sonography VR02
One-dimensional Doppler sonography VR03
Duplex sonography VR04
Sonography with contrast agents VR05
Endosonography VR06
Computed tomography (CT), native VR10
Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents VR11
Computer tomography (CT), special procedures VR12
Arteriography VR15
Phlebography VR16
Lymphography VR17
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native VR22
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents VR23
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures VR24