
Outpatient treatment options

Type of outpatient clinic: Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11)
Service offered: Surgery for degenerative and traumatic damage to the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
Surgery for cerebrovascular diseases
Brain tumour surgery (benign, malignant, including the base of the skull)
Peripheral nerve surgery
Surgical and intensive medical care of acute craniocerebral injuries
Spine surgery
Neurochirurgische Notfallambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Comment: Behandlung von neurochirurgischen Notfällen in unserer zentralen Notfallambulanz (s. Punkt A-9)
Service offered: Peripheral nerve surgery
Neurochirurgische Privatambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: Behandlung neurochirurgischer Privatpatienten, Terminierung über das Sekretariat der Abteilung
Service offered: Peripheral nerve surgery