Tagesklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie

Outpatient treatment options

Privatambulanz Frau Dr. Schöneich (Sprechstunde inkl. amb. Untersuchung, Behandlung und Beratung sowie ggfs. teilstationärer Terminvereinbarung; Nachsorge/Verlaufskontrolle) bis 30.04.2023
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of intelligence disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural and emotional disorders beginning in childhood and adolescence
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors
Diagnostics, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of mental, psychosomatic and developmental disorders in infancy, childhood and adolescence
KV-Zulassung Dr. Schöneich (Sprechstunde inkl. amb. Untersuchung,Behandlung,Beratung, ggf. teilstat. Terminvereinbarung; Nachsorge/Verlaufskontrolle; nach Überw. von niedergel. Ärzten) bis 30.4.2023
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of intelligence disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural and emotional disorders beginning in childhood and adolescence
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors
Diagnostics, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of mental, psychosomatic and developmental disorders in infancy, childhood and adolescence
Ermächtigungsambulanz Frau Pünt (Sprechstunde inkl. ambulanter Untersuchung, Behandlung und Beratung sowie ggfs. teilstat. Terminvereinbarung; Nachsorge/Verlaufskontrolle; nach Überweisung)
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of intelligence disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural and emotional disorders beginning in childhood and adolescence
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors
Diagnostics, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of mental, psychosomatic and developmental disorders in infancy, childhood and adolescence
Privatambulanz Frau Pünt (Sprechstunde inkl. ambulanter Untersuchung, Behandlung und Beratung sowie ggfs. teilstationärer Terminvereinbarung; Nachsorge/Verlaufskontrolle) ab 01.05.2023
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of intelligence disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural and emotional disorders beginning in childhood and adolescence
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors
Diagnostics, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of mental, psychosomatic and developmental disorders in infancy, childhood and adolescence
Ermächtigungsambulanz Herr Dr. Wehr (Sprechstunde inkl. amb. Untersuchung, Behandlung, Beratung sowie ggfs. teilstat. Terminvereinbarung; Nachsorge/Verlaufskontrolle; nach Überweisung) ab 01.05.2023
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116 of the SGB V or Article 31a para. 1 (special examination and treatment methods or knowledge of hospital doctors) (AM04)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of intelligence disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural and emotional disorders beginning in childhood and adolescence
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors
Diagnostics, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of mental, psychosomatic and developmental disorders in infancy, childhood and adolescence