Designation |
Key |
Schluckdiagnostik |
VI00 |
Ernährungsmedizin |
VI00 |
Beratung Demenzdiagnostik |
VN00 |
Dysphagie-Diagnostik/Schluckdiagnostik |
VN00 |
Intensivmedizin |
VX00 |
Treatment of decubital ulcers
VC29 |
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation
VC31 |
Diagnosis and treatment of head injuries
VC32 |
Diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries
VC33 |
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
VC34 |
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis
VC35 |
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries
VC36 |
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries
VC37 |
Diagnosis and treatment of wrist and hand injuries
VC38 |
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries
VC39 |
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries
VC40 |
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the ankle region and foot
VC41 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases
VD04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria and erythema
VD07 |
Wound healing disorders
VD20 |
Diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections
VH08 |
Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract
VH09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders
Fiberendoskopische Schluckuntersuchung FEES. Die fiberendoskopische (oder auch videoendoskopische) Schluckuntersuchung gehört zu den bildgebenden Diagnostik-Verfahren für Dysphagie-Patienten.
VH24 |
Diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart diseases
VI01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary circulation diseases
VI02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other forms of heart disease
VI03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the arteries, arterioles and capillaries
VI04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the veins, lymph vessels and lymph nodes
VI05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases
VI06 |
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension (high pressure sickness)
VI07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases
VI08 |
Diagnosis and treatment of haematological diseases
VI09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases
VI10 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology)
Gastroskopie, Koloskopie
VI11 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the anus
VI12 |
Diagnosis and treatment of peritoneal diseases
VI13 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas
VI14 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs
VI15 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura
VI16 |
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological diseases
VI17 |
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases
VI18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases
VI19 |
Intensive care medicine
Im Rahmen des sektorenübergreifenden telemedizinischen Netzwerks (TEL Net) Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachabteilung für Intensivmedizin der Uni Münster.
VI20 |
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies
VI22 |
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases
Sarkopenie, PNF, alle Erkrankungen der Lunge, Rechtsherzinsuffizienz, pulmonale Hypertonie, Hirninfarkt, Demenzformen, Epilepsieformen, Parkinsonismus, Obstipationsbehandlung inkl. Defaekographie (MSR), Koloskopie, Abklärung Tumorleiden bei alten Patienten und ethische Entscheidungsfindung.
VI24 |
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders
VI25 |
Special consultation hour - Internal medicine
zur Demenzabklärung
VI27 |
Treatment of blood poisoning / sepsis
VI29 |
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases
VI30 |
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia
VI31 |
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders / sleep medicine
VI32 |
VI35 |
Palliative care
VI38 |
Physical therapy
VI39 |
Pain therapy
VI40 |
Transfusion medicine
VI42 |
Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases
VI43 |
Geriatric day clinic
VI44 |
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases
VN01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders
Elektroenzephalographie, Neurologische Konsiliararzt-Betreuung zweimal wöchentlich
VN05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases of the brain
VN06 |
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the brain
VN07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the meninges
VN08 |
Care of patients with neurostimulators for brain stimulation
VN09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of extrapyramidal diseases and movement disorders
VN11 |
Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system
VN12 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nerves, nerve roots and nerve plexus
VN14 |
Diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathies and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system
VN15 |
Neurological emergency and intensive care medicine
VN18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases
VN19 |
Pain therapy
VN23 |
Diagnosis and treatment of arthropathies
VO01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases of the connective tissue
VO02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of deformities of the spine and back
VO03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of spondylopathies
VO04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the spine and back
VO05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of muscular diseases
VO06 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the synovialis and tendons
VO07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other soft tissue diseases
VO08 |
Diagnosis and treatment of osteopathies and chondropathies
VO09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
VO10 |
Diagnosis and treatment of tumours of the postural and locomotor organs
VO11 |
Pain therapy / multimodal pain therapy
VO18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances
VP01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
VP02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders
VP03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders
VP04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors
VP05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders
VP06 |
Diagnosis and treatment of gerontopsychiatric disorders
VP10 |
Conventional radiographs
VR01 |
Native sonography
VR02 |
One-dimensional Doppler sonography
VR03 |
Duplex sonography
VR04 |
Sonography with contrast agents
VR05 |
Bone density measurement (all methods)
VR25 |
Diagnosis and treatment of renal insufficiency
VU02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the urinary system
VU05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male genital organs
VU06 |
VU15 |
Pain therapy
VU18 |