Selected therapeutic personnel in psychiatry and psychosomatics
Here you will find information on the therapeutic staff of the entire hospital.
Special therapists (m/f)
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
0,00 |
Dieses Personal wird durch die Tochtergesellschaft bereitgestellt.
Staff in direct employment |
0,00 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
0,00 |
Die Diätassistenten sind bei einer Tochtergesellschaft angestellt.
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
0,00 |
Staff in direct employment |
0,00 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
0,00 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
0,92 |
Die Kunsttherapeutin behandelt Patienten in der Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie.
Staff in direct employment |
0,92 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
0,92 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
1,76 |
Staff in direct employment |
1,76 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
1,76 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
6,03 |
Staff in direct employment |
6,03 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
6,03 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
4,35 |
Staff in direct employment |
4,35 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
4,35 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
2,74 |
Ergotherapeuten behandeln Patienten in der Klinik Geriatrie und in der Klinik Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie.
Eine Ergotherapeutin hat eine Zusatzqualifikation zur Bobath-Therapeutin.
Staff in direct employment |
2,74 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
2,74 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
12,10 |
Die Physiotherapeuten unseres Krankenhauses erbringen ambulante und stationäre Leistungen.
6 haben eine Zusatzqualifikation zur Bobath-Therapeutin.
Staff in direct employment |
12,10 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
8,10 |
In-patient care staff |
4,00 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
1,80 |
Staff in direct employment |
1,80 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
1,80 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
5,66 |
Staff in direct employment |
5,66 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
5,66 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
3,30 |
Staff in direct employment |
3,30 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
3,30 |
Selected therapeutic personnel in psychiatry and psychosomatics
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
3,95 |
Staff in direct employment |
3,95 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
3,95 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
1,81 |
Staff in direct employment |
1,81 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
1,81 |
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
3,66 |
Staff in direct employment |
3,66 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
3,66 |
Für die Kliniken der Geriatrie sind zusätzlich 3,8 Ergotherapeutinnen im Einsatz.
In der Psychiatrie arbeiten 4 Ergotherapeutinnen
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
0,00 |
Staff in direct employment |
0,00 |
Auch in den somatischen Kliniken werden Physiotherapeuten eingesetzt.
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
0,00 |
Alle Physiotherapeuten werden durch die Abteilung Physiotherapie für alle Kliniken koordiniert. Eine Einzeldarstellung für die Kliniken erfolgt daher nicht.
Professional group |
Number |
Explanation |
Number (total) |
0,13 |
Staff in direct employment |
0,13 |
Staff not in direct employment |
0,00 |
Out-patient care staff |
0,00 |
In-patient care staff |
0,13 |
2,5 minus PIA Anteil