Klinik für Integrative Medizin und Naturheilkunde

Illnesses according to ICD

Service ICD number Number of cases Info
Other disorders of brain - Postviral fatigue syndrome G93.3 84
Fibromyalgia M79.70 65
Irritable bowel syndrome - Other irritable bowel syndrome K58.8 43
Ulcerative colitis K51.8 33
Irritable bowel syndrome - Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation K58.1 23
Somatoform disorders - Pain disorder exclusively related to psychological factors F45.41 22
Crohn disease regional enteritis K50.88 14
Ulcerative colitis K51.0 13
Irritable bowel syndrome - Mixed irritable bowel syndrome K58.2 12
Crohn disease regional enteritis K50.0 11
Pain not elsewhere classified R52.2 10
Polyarthrosis - Primary generalized osteoarthritis M15.0 9
Irritable bowel syndrome K58.3 8
Crohn disease regional enteritis K50.1 7
Crohn disease regional enteritis K50.82 6
Ulcerative colitis K51.2 6
Ulcerative colitis K51.5 6
Other rheumatoid arthritis - Rheumatoid arthritis without rheumatoid factor unspecified site M06.00 6
Polyarthrosis - Other polyosteoarthritis M15.8 5
Migraine G43.0 4
Abnormalities of breathing R06.0 4
Other bacterial intestinal infections A04.70 not specified
Zoster herpes zoster - Zoster without complications B02.9 not specified
Other cytomegaloviral diseases B25.80 not specified
Somatoform disorders F45.33 not specified
Other extrapyramidal and movement disorders - Restless legs syndrome G25.81 not specified
Other headache syndromes G44.8 not specified
Mononeuropathies of lower limb G57.1 not specified
Other paralytic syndromes G83.1 not specified
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease - Gastro-esophageal reflux disease with esophagitis K21.0 not specified
Dyspepsia K30 not specified
Crohn disease regional enteritis K50.9 not specified
Ulcerative colitis K51.3 not specified
Indeterminate colitis K52.38 not specified
Other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis K52.8 not specified
Diverticular disease of intestine - Diverticulosis of large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding K57.30 not specified
Other functional intestinal disorders - Constipation unspecified K59.00 not specified
Other functional intestinal disorders - Slow transit constipation K59.01 not specified
Other diseases of the pancreas - Other specified diseases of the pancreas - Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency K86.83 not specified
Cellulitis L03.10 not specified
Atopic dermatitis L20.8 not specified
Psoriasis L40.5 not specified
Lupus erythematosus - Discoid lupus erythematosus L93.0 not specified
Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis M05.84 not specified
Juvenile arthritis - Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with systemic onset multiple sites M08.29 not specified
Polyarthrosis - Polyosteoarthritis unspecified M15.9 not specified
Systemic sclerosis - CREST syndrome M34.1 not specified
Other systemic involvement of connective tissue - Other overlap syndromes M35.1 not specified
Other systemic involvement of connective tissue - Polymyalgia rheumatica M35.3 not specified
Ankylosing spondylitis of multiple sites in spine M45.00 not specified
Ankylosing spondylitis of multiple sites in spine M45.08 not specified
Other inflammatory spondylopathies - Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy site unspecified M46.90 not specified
Other intervertebral disc disorders M51.1 not specified
Abdominal and pelvic pain R10.1 not specified