Frauenklinik und Poliklinik

Outpatient treatment options

Poliklinik der Frauenklinik
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Früherkennungsdiagnostik, Empfängnisverhütung, Einholung einer Zweitmeinung
Service offered: Other - Focus of care gynaecology and obstetrics
Onkologische Nachsorge-Sprechstunde
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the mammary gland
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Mutter-Kind-Zentrum (Perinatalzentrum Level I)
Service offered: Support for high-risk pregnancies
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases during pregnancy, birth and the puerperium
Obstetrical surgery
Prenatal diagnostics and therapy
Kinder- und Jugendgynäkologie-Sprechstunde
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Andrology
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs
Familiärer Brustkrebs- Sprechstunde
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the mammary gland
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: inkl. Nachsorge
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the mammary gland
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the mammary gland
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the mammary gland
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the mammary gland
Cosmetic / plastic mamma surgery
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Gynaecological endocrinology
Reproductive medicine
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Zystoskopie, Urodynamischer Messplatz
Service offered:
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Mutter-Kind-Zentrum (Perinatalzentrum Level I)
Service offered: Support for high-risk pregnancies
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases during pregnancy, birth and the puerperium
Obstetrical surgery
Prenatal diagnostics and therapy
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Gynaecological endocrinology
Reproductive medicine
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the mammary gland
Plastisch-rekonstruktive Sprechstunde
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the mammary gland
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the mammary gland
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the mammary gland
Cosmetic / plastic mamma surgery
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital tract
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: Privatsprechstunde
Service offered: Other - Focus of care gynaecology and obstetrics
Notfallambulanz Gynäkologie
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Service offered: Other - Focus of care gynaecology and obstetrics
Vor- und nachstationäre Leistungen
Type of outpatient clinic: Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11)
Comment: Vor- und nachstationäre Leistungen Gynäkologie
Service offered: Other - Focus of care gynaecology and obstetrics
Hallo Baby-IV-Vertrag
Type of outpatient clinic: Outpatient clinic within the framework of a contract for integrated care according to Article 140a, para. 1 of the SGB V (AM12)
Service offered: Other - Focus of care gynaecology and obstetrics