Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin

Outpatient treatment options

Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Schilddrüsenzentrum - Ambulante Diagnostik und Therapie von gutartigen Schilddrüsenerkrankungen und von Schilddrüsenkrebs
Service offered: Other - Focus of care radiology
Duplex sonography
Native sonography
Positron emission tomography (PET) with full ring scanner
Single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT)
Probe measurements and incorporation measurements
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Radiosynoviorthese - Nuklearmedizinische Therapie von entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen
Service offered: Other - Focus of care radiology
Special consultation hour - Radiology
Therapy with open radionuclides
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Radioimmuntherapie - Nuklearmedizinische Therapie von Non-Hodgkin Lymphomen
Service offered: Other - Focus of care radiology
Therapy with open radionuclides
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Knochendichtemessung, Sturzrisiko-Assessment, Knochenbruchwahrscheinlichkeits-Assessment nach WHO-FRAX
Service offered: Bone density measurement (all methods)
Special consultation hour - Radiology
Knochenaffine Schmerztherapie-Ambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Schmerztherapie mit knochenaffinen Radionukliden bei Knochenmetastasen
Service offered: Special consultation hour - Radiology
Therapy with open radionuclides
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: Alle nuklearmedizinischen Verfahren werden angeboten
Service offered: Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents
Computed tomography (CT), native
Duplex sonography
Bone density measurement (all methods)
Native sonography
Positron emission tomography (PET) with full ring scanner
Single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT)
Probe measurements and incorporation measurements
Special consultation hour - Radiology
Therapy with open radionuclides
Nuklearmedizinische vor- und nachstationäre Leistungen
Type of outpatient clinic: Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11)
Comment: Nuklearmedizinische Diagnostik inklusive medizinisch technischer Großgeräte PET/CT
Service offered: Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents
Computed tomography (CT), native
Duplex sonography
Native sonography
Positron emission tomography (PET) with full ring scanner
Single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT)
Probe measurements and incorporation measurements