Designation |
Key |
Seltene Hautkrankheiten |
VD00 |
Seltene Erkrankungen |
VX00 |
Diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases and secondary diseases
Doppler-Sonographie des Unterschenkel-Venensystems, Krampfadernentfernung, Vacuum-Ulcustherapie
VC19 |
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
Operationen im Analbereich
VC56 |
Plastic-reconstructive procedures
Nach operativer Entfernung von Hauttumoren
VC57 |
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies
Labor- und In vivo-Diagnostik, Therapeutische Anwendung des Lichtes
VD01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases and HIV-associated diseases
Labordiagnostik und Therapie
VD02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of skin tumours
Histologische und histochemische Diagnostik, Photodynamische Therapie, extrakorporale Photopherese
VD03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases
VD04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of bullous dermatoses
Labordiagnostik und Therapie
VD05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of papulosquamous skin diseases
Histologische Diagnostik und Therapie, Therapeutische Anwendung des Lichtes
VD06 |
Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria and erythema
Labor- und In vivo-Diagnostik und Therapie
VD07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of skin and subcutaneous diseases using radiation
VD08 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin appendages
Trichogramm, Sebometrie und Therapie
VD09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases
Labordiagnostik und Therapie, extrakorporale Photopherese
VD10 |
Special consultation hour - Dermatology
VD11 |
Plastische Operationen, Laserchirurgie, Kryochirurgie
VD12 |
Aesthetic dermatology
Hautfunktionsdiagnostik, Therapie der Hyperhidrose, Prävention der Hautalterung, Laserchirurgie der Haut und Schleimhäute
VD13 |
Labordiagnostik, Spermiogramm
VD14 |
Histologische und histochemische Diagnostik, Immunfluoreszenzdiagnostik
VD15 |
Dermatological light therapy
UVA, PUVA (Bad-, Dusche-, Creme-, systemisch, Nägel, Kopf, Hände- und Füße), UVA1, UVB311, Photodynamische Therapie
VD16 |
Diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis and eczema
Labor- und In vivo-Diagnostik, TEWL, Therapie
VD17 |
Diagnosis and treatment for haemangiomas
Kryochirurgie, Laserchirurgie
VD18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (venereology)
Labordiagnostik, Therapie
VD19 |
Wound healing disorders
Vacuum-Pumpe-Therapie, Sauerstoff-Kammer-Therapie
VD20 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity
Diagnostik und Therapie von Schleimhauterkrankungen
VH14 |
Laser surgery
Laserchirurgie von Schleinhautkrankheiten
VH26 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the anus
VI12 |
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired immune deficiency diseases (including HIV and AIDS)
Therapie, extrakorporale Photopherese
VI23 |
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases
In vitro-Diagnostik, Therapie, extrakorporale Photopherese
VI30 |
Native sonography
Sonographie der Haut und der benachbarten Lymphknoten
VR02 |
Duplex sonography
Sonographie superfizieller Venen
VR04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity
Diagnostik und Therapie von Mundschleimhauterkrankungen
VZ05 |