Notaufnahme Kinder | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08) |
Comment: | Die Notaufnahme betreut alle akuten Erkrankungen vom Neugeborenen- bis zum Jugendlichenalter. Telefonische Erreichbarkeit rund um die Uhr unter 089/1795-1187. Der Eingang erfolgt über die Franz-Schrank-Str. 8. |
Service offered: |
Other - Focus of care paediatrics |
Privatsprechstunde Chefarzt Prof. Dr. Peters | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
Comment: | Spezialsprechstunden: Termine nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung; Anmeldung über: 089/1795-2601 Angebot: Kinderärztliche Sprechstunde Sonographie-Ambulanz Kindergastroenterologie |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of special clinical pictures of premature and mature neonates Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neurological diseases Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) metabolic diseases Neuropaediatrics Special consultation hour - Paediatrics Other - Focus of care internal medicine |
Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum (SPZ) | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Social Paediatric Centre according to Article 119 of the SGB V (AM03) |
Comment: | Interdiszipl. Diagnostik/Therapie/Verlaufskontrollen für Früh-/Risikoneugeborene mit Fragestellungen aus Neuropädiatrie, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie, Endokrinologie, Diabetologie, Klin. Psychologie und für seltene Erkrankungen Termine für Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung über: 089/1795-2661 |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of chromosomal anomalies Diagnosis and treatment of special clinical pictures of premature and mature neonates Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, diabetes) Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) vascular diseases Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neurological diseases Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neurometabolic/neurodegenerative diseases Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neuromuscular diseases Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) paediatric kidney diseases Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) metabolic diseases Diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders in infancy, toddlers and school age Diagnosis and treatment of psychosomatic disorders of the child Diagnosis and treatment of other congenital malformations, congenital disorders or perinatally acquired diseases Neuropaediatrics Paediatric psychology Social-Paediatric Centre Special consultation hour - Paediatrics |
Vor- und Nachstationäre Betreuung | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11) |
Comment: | Sprechstunden: Termine nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung; Anmeldung über: 089/1795-2601 Zusätzliches Angebot: Langzeitbetreuung von Patienten CCHS (Kongenitales zentrales Hypoventilationssyndrom/Undine-Syndrom) oder hohes Querschnittssyndrom mit Zwerchfelllähmung |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs Other - Focus of care paediatrics |