Relevant to this:
Respiratory exercises / therapy
Basal stimulation
Manual lymph drainage
Music therapy
Physiotherapy as individual and/or group therapy
Raucherentwöhnung, rauchfreies Krankenhaus
Pain therapy / management
Voice and speech therapy / logopaedics
Heating and cooling applications
Aroma care / therapy
Asthma training
Support / advice / seminars for relatives
Dietary and nutritional advice
Discharge management / transitional care
Case management / primary nursing
Special offers for guidance and counselling of patients and their relatives
Cooperation with / contact to self-help groups
Social services
Special services for the public
Die Philippstiftung betreibt in direkter Nachbarschaft zur Lungenfachklinik ein Pflegeheim mit den Bereichen Kurz-, Tages- und Langzeitpflege sowie der Phase-F.