Helios Marien Klinik

Quality results

Treatment sector: Pacemaker: First use (HSMDEF-HSM-IMPL) Explanation

Designation Herzschrittmacher-Implantation
Shortcut 09/1
Number of cases 33
Documentation rate 103.03 %
Hospital comment Die Dokumentationsrate wurde krankenhausbezogen berechnet.

Summary result:

In 2 of 2 quality characteristics, the quality objective was achieved.
No assessment is possible for any quality characteristic

Number of patients treated: 33

Created with Highcharts 8.0.0
Quality objective achieved
Quality objective not achieved

The results in detail

Quality criterion
Hospital result
and target area
Quality objective
All information
Ratio of the number of problems encountered to the previously expected number (the individual risks of the patients were taken into account). The problems occurred in connection with an operation where a pacemaker was inserted (probe or pocket problems) and led to a new operation within one year
Hospital: 0,00
Target area: at most 2,69
Quality objective achieved
Ratio of the actual number to the previously expected number of infections or complications that occurred which led to a new operation within one year (individual risks of the patients were taken into account)
Hospital: 0,00
Target area: at most 6,34
Quality objective achieved