Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy (AQ37)
Kooperation |
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Children's cardiology (AQ34) |
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Neonatology (AQ35) |
Human genetics (AQ21)
Filialpraxis im Haus |
Paediatrics and adolescent medicine (AQ32) |
Pediatric surgery (AQ09)
24h-Rufbereitschaft, OP im Haus |
Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy (AQ53)
tagesklinisch |
Internal medicine and pneumology (AQ30)
Kinderpneumologie |
Children's endocrinology and diabetology (ZF16) |
Allergology (ZF03) |
Children's nephrology (ZF18) |
Diagnostic radiology - subject-specific - (ZF38) |
Sleep medicine (ZF39)
Kinderschlaflabor |
Intensive care medicine (ZF15)
pädiatrische Intensivmedizin |
Children's pneumology (ZF20) |