Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie

Illnesses according to ICD

Service ICD number Number of cases Info
Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung C34.1 115
Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung C34.3 55
Pyothorax without fistula J86.9 29
Secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive organs C78.0 25
Secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive organs - Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura C78.2 21
Pleural effusion not elsewhere classified J90 18
Benign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system D14.3 17
3 Pneumothorax J93.1 15
Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung - Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus or lung C34.2 10
Pyothorax with fistula J86.0 10
Postprocedural respiratory disorders not elsewhere classified J95.81 8
Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung C34.0 7
Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung C34.9 7
Other interstitial pulmonary diseases J84.1 7
3 Pneumothorax - Pneumothorax unspecified J93.9 7
Mesothelioma - Mesothelioma of pleura C45.0 6
Spread metastasis of cancer in otherwise unspecified areas of the body C79.5 6
Other respiratory disorders - Other disorders of lung J98.4 6
Other respiratory disorders - Disorders of diaphragm J98.6 6
Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of head face spine and chest - Pectus excavatum Q67.6 6
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of middle ear and respiratory and intrathoracic organs - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of trachea bronchus and lung D38.1 5
Injury of other and unspecified intrathoracic organs S27.1 5
Spread metastasis of cancer in otherwise unspecified areas of the body C79.88 4
Carcinoma in situ of middle ear and respiratory system D02.2 4
Diseases of vocal cords and larynx not elsewhere classified - Stenosis of larynx J38.6 4
3 Pneumothorax - Spontaneous tension pneumothorax J93.0 4
Other septicaemia A41.0 not specified
Other septicaemia A41.8 not specified
Other septicaemia - Sepsis unspecified organism A41.9 not specified
Aspergillosis B44.8 not specified
Mycetoma - Actinomycetoma B47.1 not specified
Other and unspecified infectious diseases B99 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue - Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue C02.2 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus - Malignant neoplasm of middle third of esophagus C15.4 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of rectum C20 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of pancreas - Malignant neoplasm of pancreas unspecified C25.9 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung C34.8 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of thymus C37 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri - Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri unspecified C53.9 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri - Malignant neoplasm of endometrium C54.1 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of prostate C61 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of kidney except renal pelvis C64 not specified
Malignant neoplasm without specification of site - Disseminated malignant neoplasm unspecified C80.0 not specified
Non-follicular lymphoma C83.3 not specified
Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms - Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission C90.00 not specified
Benign neoplasm of ribs sternum and clavicle D16.70 not specified
Benign lipomatous neoplasm - Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk D17.1 not specified
Benign lipomatous neoplasm - Benign lipomatous neoplasm of intrathoracic organs D17.4 not specified
Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue - Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of thorax D21.3 not specified
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective and other soft tissue D48.1 not specified
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified sites D48.7 not specified
Sarcoidosis - Sarcoidosis of lung D86.0 not specified
Sarcoidosis - Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes D86.2 not specified
Diseases of thymus - Other diseases of thymus E32.8 not specified
Amyloidosis - Organ-limited amyloidosis E85.4 not specified
Acute myocardial infarction - Non-ST elevation NSTEMI myocardial infarction I21.4 not specified
Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders - Nonrheumatic mitral valve insufficiency I34.0 not specified
Atrial fibrillation and flutter - Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation I48.0 not specified
Atrial fibrillation and flutter I48.9 not specified
Heart failure I50.01 not specified
Cerebral infarction I63.5 not specified
Pneumonia organism unspecified - Lobar pneumonia unspecified organism J18.1 not specified
Pneumonia organism unspecified - Pneumonia unspecified organism J18.9 not specified
Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract J39.88 not specified
Emphysema - Panlobular emphysema J43.1 not specified
Emphysema - Emphysema unspecified J43.9 not specified
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation J44.19 not specified
Bronchiectasis J47 not specified
Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals gases fumes and vapours - Chronic respiratory conditions due to chemicals gases fumes and vapors J68.4 not specified
Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids - Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food and vomit J69.0 not specified
Other interstitial pulmonary diseases - Interstitial pulmonary disease unspecified J84.9 not specified
Abscess of lung and mediastinum - Gangrene and necrosis of lung J85.0 not specified
Abscess of lung and mediastinum - Abscess of lung without pneumonia J85.2 not specified
Pleural plaque - Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos J92.0 not specified
Pleural plaque - Pleural plaque without asbestos J92.9 not specified
3 Pneumothorax J93.8 not specified
Other pleural conditions - Chylous effusion J94.0 not specified
Other pleural conditions - Fibrothorax J94.1 not specified
Other pleural conditions - Hemothorax J94.2 not specified
Other pleural conditions - Other specified pleural conditions J94.8 not specified
Postprocedural respiratory disorders not elsewhere classified J95.0 not specified
Postprocedural respiratory disorders not elsewhere classified - Postprocedural subglottic stenosis J95.5 not specified
Other diseases of the respiratory tract - Lung collapse - Partial atelectasis J98.11 not specified
Other respiratory disorders - Interstitial emphysema J98.2 not specified
Other respiratory disorders J98.50 not specified
Other respiratory disorders J98.58 not specified
Other diseases of oesophagus - Diverticulum of esophagus acquired K22.5 not specified
Other specified diseases of esophagus K22.80 not specified
Diaphragmatic hernia - Diaphragmatic hernia without obstruction or gangrene K44.9 not specified
Nail disorders - Yellow nail syndrome L60.5 not specified
Other necrotizing vasculopathies M31.3 not specified
Disorders of continuity of bone M84.18 not specified
Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis M86.01 not specified
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis other sites M86.08 not specified
Other disorders of bone - Hypertrophy of bone other site M89.38 not specified
Other osteochondropathies - Other specified osteochondropathies other M93.88 not specified
Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders not elsewhere classified M96.81 not specified
Other congenital malformations of heart - Other specified congenital malformations of heart Q24.8 not specified
Other congenital malformations of respiratory system - Congenital cyst of mediastinum Q34.1 not specified
Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of head face spine and chest - Other congenital deformities of chest Q67.8 not specified
Congenital malformations of spine and bony thorax - Congenital malformation of sternum Q76.7 not specified
Haemorrhage from respiratory passages R04.8 not specified
Cough R05 not specified
Pain in throat and chest R07.3 not specified
Other symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems - Pleurisy R09.1 not specified
Pain not elsewhere classified R52.0 not specified
Shock not elsewhere classified - Hypovolemic shock R57.1 not specified
Hyperhidrosis R61.0 not specified
Hyperhidrosis R61.1 not specified
Hyperhidrosis R61.9 not specified
Fracture of ribs sternum and thoracic spine S22.22 not specified
Fracture of ribs sternum and thoracic spine S22.23 not specified
Fracture of ribs sternum and thoracic spine S22.32 not specified
Fracture of ribs sternum and thoracic spine S22.44 not specified
Fracture of ribs sternum and thoracic spine S22.5 not specified
Injury of other and unspecified intrathoracic organs S27.0 not specified
Injury of other and unspecified intrathoracic organs S27.2 not specified
Certain early complications of trauma not elsewhere classified T79.7 not specified
Complications of procedures not elsewhere classified T81.8 not specified