Plastische, Ă„sthetische, Hand- & Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Illnesses according to ICD

Service ICD number Number of cases Info
Fibroblastic disorders - Palmar fascial fibromatosis Dupuytren M72.0 27
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.3 25
Mononeuropathies of upper limb G56.0 23
Lipomatosis not elsewhere classified E88.22 22
Type 2 diabetes mellitus not insulin dependent from the start E11.74 18
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.4 11
Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint M18.1 8
Ulcer of lower limb not elsewhere classified L97 7
Complications of procedures not elsewhere classified T81.8 7
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.34 6
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.6 5
Synovitis and tenosynovitis M65.3 5
Type 2 diabetes mellitus not insulin dependent from the start E11.75 4
Atherosclerosis I70.24 4
Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue not elsewhere classified - Excessive and redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue L98.7 4
Injury of muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level S66.1 4
Streptococcal septicaemia - Sepsis due to streptococcus group B A40.1 not specified
Erysipelas A46 not specified
Malignant melanoma of skin C43.7 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.0 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.1 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.5 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.7 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.9 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of breast C50.5 not specified
Melanoma in situ D03.1 not specified
Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage D16.1 not specified
Benign lipomatous neoplasm - Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of head face and neck D17.0 not specified
Benign lipomatous neoplasm - Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk D17.1 not specified
Benign lipomatous neoplasm D17.2 not specified
Benign lipomatous neoplasm D17.7 not specified
Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue D21.1 not specified
Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue D21.2 not specified
Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue - Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of abdomen D21.4 not specified
Diabetes = type 1 diabetes mellitus insulin dependent from the start E10.74 not specified
Type 2 diabetes mellitus not insulin dependent from the start E11.73 not specified
Mononeuropathies of upper limb G56.2 not specified
Mononeuropathies of upper limb G56.3 not specified
Other disorders of eyelid H02.1 not specified
Other disorders of eyelid H02.3 not specified
Disorders of lacrimal system H04.2 not specified
Left ventricular failure unspecified I50.14 not specified
Atherosclerosis - Atherosclerosis of native arteries of other extremities with ulceration I70.25 not specified
Varicose veins of lower extremities I83.2 not specified
Venous insufficiency chronic peripheral I87.21 not specified
Bacterial pneumonia not elsewhere classified J15.2 not specified
Pneumonia organism unspecified - Lobar pneumonia unspecified organism J18.1 not specified
Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia - Ileus unspecified K56.7 not specified
Cellulitis L03.01 not specified
Cellulitis L03.10 not specified
Pilonidal cyst L05.9 not specified
Skin changes due to chronic exposure to nonionizing radiation - Actinic keratosis L57.0 not specified
Skin changes due to chronic exposure to nonionizing radiation - Cutis laxa senilis L57.4 not specified
Nail disorders - Nail dystrophy L60.3 not specified
Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue - Epidermal cyst L72.0 not specified
Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue L72.1 not specified
Seborrhoeic keratosis L82 not specified
Corns and callosities L84 not specified
Other epidermal thickening - Epidermal thickening unspecified L85.9 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.18 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.24 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.28 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.29 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.33 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.35 not specified
Pressure sore decubitus and pressure area L89.36 not specified
Atrophic disorders of skin - Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin L90.5 not specified
Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue not elsewhere classified L98.4 not specified
Other rheumatoid arthritis M06.34 not specified
Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint - Osteoarthritis of first carpometacarpal joint unspecified M18.9 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.03 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.04 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.13 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.23 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.84 not specified
Other arthrosis - Secondary osteoarthritis unspecified site M19.93 not specified
Other arthrosis M19.94 not specified
Acquired deformities of fingers and toes M20.0 not specified
Other specific joint derangements M24.24 not specified
Systemic sclerosis - CREST syndrome M34.1 not specified
Synovitis and tenosynovitis - Radial styloid tenosynovitis de Quervain M65.4 not specified
Synovitis and tenosynovitis M65.84 not specified
Synovitis and tenosynovitis unspecified M65.93 not specified
Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon M66.24 not specified
Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon M66.34 not specified
Other disorders of synovium and tendon M67.43 not specified
Other disorders of synovium and tendon M67.44 not specified
Soft tissue disorders related to use overuse and pressure M70.2 not specified
Other enthesopathies M77.1 not specified
Other soft tissue disorders not elsewhere classified M79.86 not specified
Other soft tissue disorders not elsewhere classified M79.87 not specified
Disorders of continuity of bone M84.14 not specified
Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis M86.24 not specified
Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis M86.46 not specified
Other disorders of urinary system - Urinary tract infection site not specified N39.0 not specified
Inflammatory disorders of other specified male genital organs N49.80 not specified
Hypertrophy of breast N62 not specified
Other disorders of breast N64.8 not specified
Other congenital musculoskeletal deformities - Congenital deformity of fingers and hand Q68.1 not specified
Other congenital malformations of skin - Other specified congenital malformations of skin Q82.8 not specified
Gangrene not elsewhere classified R02.07 not specified
Syncope and collapse R55 not specified
Open wound of head S01.0 not specified
Injury of nerves at forearm level S54.1 not specified
Open wound of wrist and hand S61.0 not specified
Fracture at wrist and hand level S62.0 not specified
Fracture at wrist and hand level S62.31 not specified
Fracture at wrist and hand level S62.32 not specified
Fracture at wrist and hand level S62.52 not specified
Fracture at wrist and hand level S62.61 not specified
Fracture at wrist and hand level S62.63 not specified
Dislocation sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level S63.3 not specified
Injury of nerves at wrist and hand level S64.3 not specified
Open wound of hip and thigh S71.1 not specified
Superficial injury of lower leg S80.1 not specified
Superficial injury of ankle and foot S90.84 not specified
Open wound of ankle and foot S91.3 not specified
Burn and corrosion of ankle and foot T25.21 not specified
Complications of procedures not elsewhere classified T81.3 not specified
Complications of procedures not elsewhere classified T81.4 not specified
Complications of procedures not elsewhere classified T81.9 not specified
Complications of stem cell transplant T86.52 not specified
Other complications of surgical and medical care not elsewhere classified T88.9 not specified
Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs systems and tissues T89.03 not specified