Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde(Belegabteilung)

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Additional information for investigations 6 1-999.0x
not specified 1-611.00
Surgical incision into the eardrum (tympanic membrane) not specified 5-200.5
Surgical removal or reconstruction of the nasal septum not specified 5-214.6
Operation on the inferior nasal concha not specified 5-215.1
Operation on several paranasal sinuses not specified 5-224.63
Surgical removal of the palatine tonsils (without removal of the adenoids) - tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy not specified 5-281.0
Surgical removal of the palatine tonsils (without removal of the adenoids) - tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy not specified 5-281.5
Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids not specified 5-282.0
Surgical removal of the (enlarged) adenoids (without removal of the tonsils) not specified 5-285.0
Other operations on the tonsils or adenoids not specified 5-289.1
Other operations on the tonsils or adenoids not specified 5-289.2
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the larynx not specified 5-300.2