Klinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie

Outpatient treatment options

Interdisziplinäre Notaufnahme
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Comment: Akute Behandlung von Notfällen, Prüfung einer notwendigen stationären Aufnahme (Erkrankungen aus dem gesamten Gebiet der Inneren Medizin) Erreichbarkeit rund um die Uhr; Tel: (0421) 5599-800
Service offered: Obesity surgery
Endocrine surgery
Other - Focus of care in other medical fields
Liver, bile and pancreatic surgery
Gastrointestinal surgery
Tumour Surgery
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Service offered: Obesity surgery
Treatment of decubital ulcers
Endocrine surgery
Other - Focus of care surgery
Intraoperative application of the procedures
Liver, bile and pancreatic surgery
Gastrointestinal surgery
Native sonography
Other - Focus of care surgery
Tumour Surgery
Wound healing disorders