Relevant to this:
Basal stimulation
Exercise bath / water exercises
Sport therapy / exercise therapy
Bobath therapy (for adults and/or children)
Special range of services for diabetics
Ergotherapy / occupational therapy
Continence training / incontinence advice
Manual lymph drainage
Physical therapy / bath therapy
Physiotherapy as individual and/or group therapy
Preventive services / prevention courses
Back school / posture training / spinal gymnastics
Pain therapy / management
Specialist nursing services
Voice and speech therapy / logopaedics
Stomatotherapy / consulting
Heating and cooling applications
Wound management
Audiometry / hearing diagnostics
Strength training / therapy / work trials
Angehörigenseminare Familiale Pflege
Über den Sozialen Dienst
Special forms of support / care concepts for the dying
Dietary and nutritional advice
Discharge management / transitional care
Case management / primary nursing
Sturzprophylaxe, familiale Pflege, Stoma, Spezialsprechstunden
In Eigenregie und Kooperation mit lokalen Sanitätshäusern
Darmkrebsselbsthilfegruppe, Adipositasselbsthilfegruppe
Social services
Informationsveranstaltungen zu ausgewählten Erkrankungen
Wohnstift Walter Cordes, Johanniterhaus Oberhausen-Sterkrade
Psychological / psychotherapeutic services / psychosocial services