Doctors (m/f)

Staffing of the specialist department with doctors (m/f). Employees who cannot be clearly assigned to a specialist department are recorded overall for the hospital.

Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 57,59 1 Klinikdirektor 15,50 Oberärzte 15,25 Fachärzte 19,75 Weiterbildungsassistenten
Staff in direct employment 57,59
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 14,40
In-patient care staff 43,19
Case by number 50,59
prevailing collectively agreed weekly working hours 42,0
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 35,61 Weiterbildungsermächtigungen: Kinder- u. Jugendmedizin 60 Monate (M); Spez. Päd. Intensivmedizin 24 M; Neonatologie 36 M; Laboruntersuchung 12 M; Päd. Endokrinologie u. Diabetologie 36 M; Neuropädiatrie 36 M; Päd.-Pneumologie 36 M; Nephrologie 36 M; Kindergastroenterologie 18 M; Infektiologie 12 M.
Staff in direct employment 35,61
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 8,90
In-patient care staff 26,71
Case by number 81,80
prevailing collectively agreed weekly working hours 42,0