Designation |
Key |
Procedures to the pericardium
VC10 |
Lung surgery
VC11 |
Tracheobronchial reconstructions in congenital malformations
VC12 |
Operations due to chest trauma
VC13 |
Thoracoscopic procedures
VC15 |
Endocrine surgery
VC21 |
Gastrointestinal surgery
VC22 |
Liver, bile and pancreatic surgery
VC23 |
Tumour Surgery
VC24 |
Diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries
VC33 |
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
VC34 |
Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
Sehr viele Operationen können minimalinvasiv versorgt werden. Erweiterung der klassischen Laparoskopie und grundlegende Verbesserung der minimal-invasiven Therapie durch die roboter-assistierte Chirurgie mit da Vinci.
VC55 |
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
Transanale Resektion am Enddarm (Kein Bauchschnitt).
VC56 |
Plastic-reconstructive procedures
VC57 |
Special consultation hour - Surgery
VC58 |
VC59 |
Port implantation
VC62 |
Surgical intensive care medicine
VC67 |
Emergency medicine
VC71 |