Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Medical expertise

Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Neonatology (AQ35)
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Children's cardiology (AQ34)
Radiology (AQ54)


Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Neuropediatrics (AQ36)
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Children's hematology and oncology (AQ33)
Pediatric surgery (AQ09)
Anesthesiology (AQ01)
Paediatrics and adolescent medicine (AQ32)
Human genetics (AQ21)
Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy (AQ37)
General medicine (AQ63)
Internal medicine and endocrinology and diabetology (AQ25)

SP Kinderendokrinologie und -diabetologie

Internal medicine and pneumology (AQ30)

SP Kinderpneumologie

Allergology (ZF03)
Diabetology (ZF07)
Infectiology (ZF14)
Intensive care medicine (ZF15)
Children's endocrinology and diabetology (ZF16)
Children's gastroenterology (ZF17)
Children's nephrology (ZF18)
Children's pneumology (ZF20)
Children's rheumatology (ZF21)
Laboratory diagnostics - subject-specific - (ZF22)

Fachkunde Laboruntersuchungen im Gebiet Kinderheilkunde

Emergency medicine (ZF28)
Palliative care (ZF30)
Sleep medicine (ZF39)
Basic addiction care (ZF45)

Zusatzweiterbildung Suchtprävention

Hemostaseology (ZF11)