Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Plastische Gesichtschirurgie

Illnesses according to ICD

Service ICD number Number of cases Info
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.4 21
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.2 8
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.3 7
Dental caries K02.1 6
Other diseases of jaws K10.28 6
Embedded and impacted teeth - Embedded teeth K01.0 5
Erysipelas A46 not specified
Malignant neoplasm of lip - Malignant neoplasm of external lower lip C00.1 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.1 not specified
Other malignant neoplasms of skin C44.4 not specified
Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes - Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of head face and neck C77.0 not specified
Benign neoplasm of bones of skull and face D16.42 not specified
Lymphangioma any site D18.18 not specified
Melanocytic naevi - Melanocytic nevi of trunk D22.5 not specified
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs D37.0 not specified
Other disorders of eyelid H02.1 not specified
Disorders of lacrimal system H04.5 not specified
Chronic sinusitis - Chronic maxillary sinusitis J32.0 not specified
Other disorders of nose and nasal sinuses - Deviated nasal septum J34.2 not specified
Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids J35.0 not specified
Dental caries - Dental caries unspecified K02.9 not specified
Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues - Periapical abscess without sinus K04.7 not specified
Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues - Radicular cyst K04.8 not specified
Gingivitis and periodontal diseases K05.3 not specified
Other disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge - Other specified disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge K06.8 not specified
Dentofacial anomalies including malocclusion K07.1 not specified
Other diseases of lip and oral mucosa K13.2 not specified
Rosacea - Rhinophyma L71.1 not specified
Other congenital malformations of face and neck - Sinus fistula and cyst of branchial cleft Q18.0 not specified
Cleft palate with cleft lip - Cleft hard and soft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q37.4 not specified
Cleft palate with cleft lip - Cleft hard and soft palate with unilateral cleft lip Q37.5 not specified
Gangrene not elsewhere classified R02.00 not specified
Open wound of head S01.51 not specified
Open wound of head S01.55 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.0 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.1 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.3 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.5 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.61 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.63 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.65 not specified
Fracture of skull and facial bones S02.68 not specified
Dislocation sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of head S03.2 not specified
Intracranial injury S06.8 not specified
Foreign body in respiratory tract T17.0 not specified
Complications of procedures not elsewhere classified T81.0 not specified