Psychiatrische Notaufnahme | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08) |
Comment: | spezialisierte Notfallambulanz |
Service offered: |
AM07 | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
AM11 | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Ambulantes Behandlungszentrum | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Medical care centre according to Article 95 of the SGB V (AM10) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Other - Focus of cares psychiatry / psychosomatics |
AM02 | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Psychiatric outpatient clinic according to Article 118 of the SGB V (AM02) |
Comment: | Spezielle Ambulanzangebote für: Suchtmedizin, Schlafmedizin Gerontopsychiatrie, Mutter-Kind Behandlung, Behandlung von Migranten, Sportpsychiatrie, Persönlichkeitsstörungen, affektive Störungen, ADHS, Sprechstunde für fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD) |
Service offered: |
Other - Focus of cares psychiatry / psychosomatics |
Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Psychiatric outpatient clinic according to Article 118 of the SGB V (AM02) |
Comment: | Komplexleistungen (ärztliche, psychotherapeutische, sozialpäd., ergo/Kunst/Musik/Bewegungstherap.) |
Service offered: |