Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinik der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität

Illnesses according to ICD

Service ICD number Number of cases Info
Recurrent depressive disorder - Major depressive disorder recurrent moderate F33.1 53
Reaction to severe stress and adjustment disorders F43.1 42
Depressive episode - Major depressive disorder single episode moderate F32.1 30
Recurrent depressive disorder - Major depressive disorder recurrent severe without psychotic features F33.2 18
Other anxiety disorders - Panic disorder episodic paroxysmal anxiety F41.0 17
Somatoform disorders - Pain disorder exclusively related to psychological factors F45.41 11
Other disorders of brain - Postviral fatigue syndrome G93.3 7
Depressive episode - Major depressive disorder single episode severe without psychotic features F32.2 5
Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease F06.3 not specified
Phobic anxiety disorders - Agoraphobia with panic disorder F40.01 not specified
Phobic anxiety disorders F40.1 not specified
Other anxiety disorders - Generalized anxiety disorder F41.1 not specified
Other anxiety disorders F41.2 not specified
Reaction to severe stress and adjustment disorders - Reaction to severe stress unspecified F43.9 not specified
Dissociative conversion disorders - Dissociative amnesia F44.0 not specified
Dissociative conversion disorders - Conversion disorder with mixed symptom presentation F44.7 not specified
Dissociative conversion disorders - Dissociative identity disorder F44.81 not specified
Dissociative conversion disorders F44.88 not specified
Somatoform disorders - Undifferentiated somatoform disorder F45.1 not specified
Somatoform disorders F45.30 not specified
Somatoform disorders F45.32 not specified
Somatoform disorders F45.34 not specified
Somatoform disorders F45.37 not specified
Somatoform disorders F45.40 not specified
Other neurotic disorders F48.0 not specified
Borderline personality disorder F60.31 not specified