Urologische Klinik

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder 1.700 8-132.3
X-rays of the kidney and urinary tract with contrast medium 362 3-13d.5
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 287 8-137.00
Use of an imaging procedure during an operation 215 3-992
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra 206 5-573.40
Examination of the urethra and the urinary bladder by endoscopy 157 1-661
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra 133 5-601.0
Operation using a surgical robot 125 5-987.0
X-rays of the urinary bladder with contrast medium 116 3-13f
Other operations on the intestine 106 5-469.21
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy 105 5-562.9
Surgical removal of the prostate, of the seminal vesicle and the associated lymph nodes 88 5-604.52
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 79 8-137.10
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 71 9-401.00
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy 50 5-570.4
46 8-137.20
Instillation into a body cavity and locally restricted treatment with chemotherapy drugs or agents that influence the immune system 46 8-541.4
Operation using lasers 42 5-985.9
39 5-573.32
Examination of the ureter by endoscopy 38 1-665
Other operations on the urinary bladder 36 5-579.42
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy 33 5-562.4
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy 32 5-570.0
Treatment of rectal bleeding by packing with absorbent material (tamponade) 30 8-502
Surgical incision into diseased tissue in the urethra, with access through the urethra 26 5-585.1
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder 26 8-132.1
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder 26 8-132.2
26 9-984.8
25 9-984.7
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy 24 5-562.8
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra 24 5-601.1
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy 23 5-562.5
Other operations on the prostate 23 5-609.0
23 9-984.b
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the male reproductive organs through the rectum 21 1-464.01
Partial surgical removal of the kidney 21 5-553.03
X-rays of the kidney and urinary tract with contrast medium 20 3-13d.6
19 9-984.6
Operation on the foreskin of the penis 18 5-640.2
Premature termination of an operation (operation not carried out completely) 18 5-995
18 9-984.9
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy 14 5-550.1
Surgical creation of a connection between the urinary bladder and skin of the abdomen for artificial urinary drainage 13 5-572.1
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 12 9-401.30
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 11 8-137.03
Measurement of urethral width 10 1-336
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy 10 5-550.6
Dilatation of the ureters during an operation or endoscopy 10 5-560.2
9 1-466.01
Additional information for investigations 9 1-999.2x
Destruction of stones in the kidney and urinary tract by the external application of shock waves 9 8-110.2
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 9 8-800.c0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the testis through a surgical incision 8 1-565
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy 8 5-550.30
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra 8 5-573.1
Surgical incision into diseased tissue in the urethra, with access through the urethra 8 5-585.0
Surgical fixation of the testicle in the scrotum 8 5-624.5
Other operations on the testicle 8 5-629.x
Other procedure on the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra 8 8-139.00
Surgical removal of the prostate, of the seminal vesicle and the associated lymph nodes 7 5-604.42
Surgical removal of a testicle 7 5-622.5
Other operations on the urethra or the surrounding tissue 6 5-589.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra 5 1-460.2
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy 5 5-570.x
Other operations on the prostate 5 5-609.3
Surgical incision into the scrotum or the coat of the testicle 5 5-610.0
Surgical occlusion of a hydrocele on the testicle 5 5-611
Surgical removal of a testicle 5 5-622.1
Surgical removal of the tissue around the epididymis 5 5-631.1
Examination of the ureter and the renal pelvis with a tube-shaped instrument with a camera mounted at the end (endoscope) 5 5-98b.x
5 5-98k.2
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) 5 8-987.10
5 9-984.a
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra 4 1-460.1
Surgical dilatation of the opening of a ureter by incision, removal of tissue or other technique 4 5-561.5
Surgical dilatation of the urethral opening 4 5-581.0
Surgical removal of the tissue around the epididymis 4 5-631.2
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 4 8-137.12
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart 4 8-930
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the upper digestive tract, biliary tract or the pancreas by endoscopy not specified 1-440.a
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra not specified 1-460.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra not specified 1-460.4
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra not specified 1-460.5
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or male reproductive organs, with a needle not specified 1-463.9
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the male reproductive organs through the rectum not specified 1-464.00
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the ureter or urinary bladder through a surgical incision not specified 1-562.0
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the ureter or urinary bladder through a surgical incision not specified 1-562.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the penis through a surgical incision not specified 1-564.0
Examination of the urinary tract by endoscopy through a surgical incision or during an operation not specified 1-693.2
Examination of the abdominal cavity or its organs by endoscopy not specified 1-694
Additional information for investigations not specified 1-999.20
not specified 1-999.40
not specified 1-999.42
Comprehensive ultrasound examination with contrast medium for investigating and excluding suspected diagnoses not specified 3-030
X-rays of the urethra with contrast medium not specified 3-13g
Surgical removal of the adrenal gland - adrenalectomy not specified 5-072.03
Corrective surgery on the gums (gingiva) not specified 5-241.x
Surgical opening of the blood vessels or removal of a blood clot not specified 5-380.70
Surgical opening of the blood vessels or removal of a blood clot not specified 5-380.71
Surgical opening of the blood vessels or removal of a blood clot not specified 5-380.72
Surgical removal of a blood clot including the adjacent inner wall of an artery not specified 5-381.54
Surgical suture of blood vessels not specified 5-388.54
Surgical suture of blood vessels not specified 5-388.99
Clearance of several lymph nodes from a region [as a standalone operation] not specified 5-402.a
Other operations on the lymphatic system not specified 5-408.81
Surgical repair of an inguinal hernia not specified 5-530.31
Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity or tissue lying behind (retroperitoneum) not specified 5-541.1
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.20
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.21
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.2x
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.31
Open operation with incision into the kidney or the renal pelvis or insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney or the renal pelvis not specified 5-551.5
Surgical removal or destruction of (diseased) tissue in the kidney not specified 5-552.2
Surgical removal or destruction of (diseased) tissue in the kidney not specified 5-552.3
Partial surgical removal of the kidney not specified 5-553.00
Surgical removal of the kidney not specified 5-554.43
Surgical removal of the kidney not specified 5-554.53
Surgical removal of the kidney not specified 5-554.b1
Surgical removal of the kidney not specified 5-554.b3
Reconstructive operations on the kidney not specified 5-557.43
Dilatation of the ureters during an operation or endoscopy not specified 5-560.0
Surgical dilatation of the opening of a ureter by incision, removal of tissue or other technique not specified 5-561.0
Surgical dilatation of the opening of a ureter by incision, removal of tissue or other technique not specified 5-561.2
Surgical dilatation of the opening of a ureter by incision, removal of tissue or other technique not specified 5-561.7
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy not specified 5-562.x
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue of the ureter or the whole ureter not specified 5-563.3
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue of the ureter or the whole ureter not specified 5-563.4
Reconstructive operations on the ureter not specified 5-568.b1
Other operations on the ureter not specified 5-569.x2
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy not specified 5-570.2
Surgical incision into the urinary bladder not specified 5-571.1
Surgical incision into the urinary bladder not specified 5-571.3
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra not specified 5-573.41
Partial surgical removal of the urinary bladder not specified 5-575.01
Partial surgical removal of the urinary bladder not specified 5-575.xx
Partial surgical removal of the urinary bladder not specified 5-575.y
Other reconstructive operations on the urinary bladder not specified 5-578.00
Surgical dilatation of the urethral opening not specified 5-581.1
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urethra not specified 5-582.0
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urethra not specified 5-582.1
Reconstructive operations on the urethra not specified 5-584.3
Reconstructive operations on the urethra not specified 5-584.71
Surgical incision into the prostate not specified 5-600.0
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra not specified 5-601.4x
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra not specified 5-601.70
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra not specified 5-601.71
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra not specified 5-601.d
Surgical removal of the prostate, of the seminal vesicle and the associated lymph nodes not specified 5-604.51
Surgical incision or removal of the tissue surrounding the prostate not specified 5-607.1
Other operations on the prostate not specified 5-609.x
Surgical incision into the scrotum or the coat of the testicle not specified 5-610.1
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased scrotal tissue not specified 5-612.2
Reconstructive operations on the scrotum or coat of the testicle not specified 5-613.1
Surgical incision into the testicle not specified 5-620
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the testicles not specified 5-621
Surgical removal of a testicle not specified 5-622.8
Surgical removal of a testicle not specified 5-622.y
Reconstructive operations on the testicle not specified 5-627.x
Surgical insertion, exchange or removal of a testicular prosthesis not specified 5-628.4
Surgical removal of the tissue around the epididymis not specified 5-631.x
Reconstructive operations on the spermatic cord not specified 5-634.2
Operation on the foreskin of the penis not specified 5-640.3
Operation on the foreskin of the penis not specified 5-640.5
Operation on the foreskin of the penis not specified 5-640.x
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the penis not specified 5-641.0
Surgical amputation of the penis not specified 5-642.0
Reconstructive operations on the penis not specified 5-643.4
Surgical repair of an abnormal opening of the urethra on the lower surface of the penis (hypospadias) in a man not specified 5-645.0
Surgical removal of the ovary and the fallopian tube not specified 5-653.32
Surgical removal of a fallopian tube not specified 5-661.62
Other surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the external female reproductive organs not specified 5-712.0
Surgical division, removal or destruction of (diseased tissue in) bones of the face not specified 5-770.11
Surgical division, removal or destruction of (diseased tissue in) bones of the face not specified 5-770.7
Other operations on the temporomandibular joint or bones of the face not specified 5-779.3
Surgical procedure on a joint by endoscopy not specified 5-810.1h
Operation on the synovium by endoscopy (arthroscopy) not specified 5-811.2h
Division of muscles, tendons or their connective tissue sheaths not specified 5-851.c9
Reconstructive operations on the muscles not specified 5-853.x7
Surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-894.1b
not specified 5-894.3c
Extensive surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-895.2c
not specified 5-896.1c
not specified 5-896.1d
not specified 5-896.2c
Simple surgical closure of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues after injuries, e.g. with a suture not specified 5-900.xc
Temporary covering of soft tissue injuries with skin or artificial skin not specified 5-916.7f
Nature of the graft material not specified 5-930.3
Type of material used for tissue replacement and tissue reinforcement not specified 5-932.10
Operation with the smallest possible incision into the skin and minimal tissue damage (minimally invasive) not specified 5-986.x
Examination of the ureter and the renal pelvis with a tube-shaped instrument with a camera mounted at the end (endoscope) not specified 5-98b.0
not specified 5-98k.0
not specified 6-006.22
not specified 6-007.60
not specified 6-007.61
not specified 6-00c.1
Removal of a foreign body by endoscopy not specified 8-100.b
Destruction of stones in the kidney and urinary tract by the external application of shock waves not specified 8-110.1
Exchange or removal of a urinary catheter through the abdominal wall not specified 8-133.0
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent not specified 8-137.01
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent not specified 8-137.11
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent not specified 8-137.13
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent not specified 8-137.2
not specified 8-137.23
Other procedure on the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra not specified 8-139.01
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into the space between the lungs and ribs for the drainage of fluid not specified 8-144.0
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into the space between the lungs and ribs for the drainage of fluid not specified 8-144.1
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into the space between the lungs and ribs for the drainage of fluid not specified 8-144.2
Other treatment by the targeted insertion of a needle with subsequent administration or removal of substances, e.g. fluid not specified 8-159.2
Treatment by washing out (lavage) the abdominal cavity with a drain and temporary closure of the abdominal wall not specified 8-176.0
Making or modifying a device for radiotherapy not specified 8-527.8
Instillation into a body cavity and locally restricted treatment with chemotherapy drugs or agents that influence the immune system not specified 8-541.1
Cancer treatment for one or more days with chemotherapy drugs administered into a vein or beneath the skin not specified 8-542.12
Treatment by extreme cooling (hypothermia) to reduce the need for oxygen not specified 8-607.0
Insertion of a tube into the trachea for ventilation - intubation not specified 8-701
Cardiac or cardiopulmonary resuscitation not specified 8-771
Other resuscitation measures not specified 8-779
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein not specified 8-831.0
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) not specified 8-987.11
not specified 8-98f.0
not specified 8-98g.00
not specified 8-98g.01
not specified 8-98g.11
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.01
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.31
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.32