Privatambulanz PD Dr. med. Sebastian Rütten | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
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Service offered: |
Privatambulanz Dr. med. Oliver Meyer | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
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Service offered: |
Privatambulanz Dr. med. Roderich Heikenfeld | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
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Service offered: |
Notfallambulanz des Zentrums für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08) |
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Service offered: |
BG-Ambulanz Bereich Unfallchirurgie | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Accident insurance consultant / outpatient clinic of the Employer’s Liability Insurance Association (AM09) |
Comment: | Das Krankenhaus ist zum Verletzungsartenverfahren der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV) zugelassen, BG-Arzt im zertifizierten Traumazentrum ist Dr. med. Oliver Meyer. |
Service offered: |
Physiotherapie ANNAVITA | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Outpatient clinic according to Article 124, para. 3 of the SGB V (dispensing physical therapy, podological therapy, voice, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy) (AM16) |
Comment: | annavita Zentrum für Prävention, Therapie, Rehabilitation und sportmedizinische Diagnostik Hospitalstraße 19 44649 Herne Fon: +49 2325 986-2450/2451 E-Mail: |
Service offered: |
Vor- und Nachstationäre Behandlung des Zentrums für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11) |
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Service offered: |