HNO, Kopf-/Halschirurgie, Plast. Operationen

Out-patient operations

Service Number of cases OPS number Info
Surgical removal of the (enlarged) adenoids (without removal of the tonsils) 63 5-285.0
Surgical incision into the eardrum (tympanic membrane) 36 5-200.4
Surgical incision into the eardrum (tympanic membrane) 25 5-200.5
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the nose 24 5-212.1
Corrective surgery on protruding ears 6 5-184.2
Surgical reduction of a broken nose 6 5-216.0
Surgical removal of the (enlarged) adenoids (without removal of the tonsils) 4 5-285.1
Surgical removal of individual lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels not specified 5-401.00
Other operations on the tongue not specified 5-259.1
Corrective surgery on protruding ears not specified 5-184.0
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the oral cavity not specified 5-273.5
Surgical removal of the palatine tonsils (without removal of the adenoids) - tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy not specified 5-281.5
Skin grafting from the area around the wound not specified 5-903.14
Skin grafting from the area around the wound not specified 5-903.34
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the tongue not specified 5-250.2
Free skin flap grafting [site of removal and nature of the graft] not specified 5-902.14