Designation |
Key |
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases
z.B. Hirninfarkt; Doppler- Duplexsonographie, transkranieller Doppler, Kernspintomographie
VN01 |
Diagnosis and treatment of other neurovascular diseases
z.B. Carotis-Dissektionen; Doppler- Duplexsonographie, Kernspintomographie
VN02 |
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory CNS diseases
z.B. Enzephalitis; Elektroenzephalographie, Liquordiagnostik
VN03 |
Diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmunological diseases
z.B. Polyneuritis, Polymyositis, anti-NMDA-Enzephalitis; Elektroneurographie, Elektromyographie, Elektroenzephalographie
VN04 |
Diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders
z.B. Epilepsie; Elektroenzephalographie, Video-Langzeit-EEG
VN05 |
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases of the brain
z.B. Glioblastom, Metastasen; Kernspintomographie, Liquordiagnostik
VN06 |
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the brain
z.B. Meningeom, Neurinom; Kernspintomographie, Hirnstammpotentiale
VN07 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the meninges
z.B. Meningitis; Kernspintomographie, Liquor
VN08 |
Care of patients with neurostimulators for brain stimulation
z.B. M. Parkinson; Apomorphin-Pumpe
VN09 |
Diagnosis and treatment of systematrophies that mainly affect the central nervous system
z.B. Spinocerebelläre Atrophie, Normaldruckhydrozephalus; Neuropsychologie
VN10 |
Diagnosis and treatment of extrapyramidal diseases and movement disorders
z.B. Neuroakanthozytose, Chorea Huntington, Dystonien
VN11 |
Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system
z.B. Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose, Creutzfeldt-Jacob-Erkrankung, hereditäre Polyneuropathien
VN12 |
Diagnosis and treatment of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system
z.B. Multiple Sklerose, Adrenoleukodystrophie; Evozierte Potentiale, Kernspintomographie, Liquordiagnostik
VN13 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nerves, nerve roots and nerve plexus
z.B. Hirnnervenerkrankungen, Bandscheibenvorfälle
VN14 |
Diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathies and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system
z.B. Polyneuritis, diabetische Polyneuropathie
VN15 |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the neuromuscular synapse and muscle region
z.B. Myopathien, Muskeldystrophien, Myasthenie gravis
VN16 |
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy and other paralysis syndromes
z.B. periphere Facialisparese, Neuroborreliose; Liquordiagnostik
VN17 |
Neurological emergency and intensive care medicine
Notfallbehandlung mit Überwachung aber ohne Intensivmedizin bei allen akuten neurologischen Krankheiten, z.B. Hirnblutung, Schlaganfall, epileptische Anfälle
VN18 |
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases
z.B. Früherkennung von Alzheimer Erkrankung, Frontotemporale Demenz; Neuropsychologie; Liquordiagnostik
VN19 |
Special consultation hour - Neurology
VN20 |
Neurological early rehabilitation
VN21 |
Sleep medicine
VN22 |
Pain therapy
z.B. schmerzhafte Polyneuropathien, zentrale Schmerzsyndrome
VN23 |
Stroke unit
Schlaganfallüberwachungseinheit für akuten Hirninfarkt, Hirnblutung, TIA; Vitalparameter-Monitoring, Echokardiographie, Langzeit-EKG, Langzeit-Blutdruckmessung, Kardiologie, Extrakranielle Doppler-und Duplexsonographie, Transkranielle Dopplersonographie, Logopädie, Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie
VN24 |
Conventional radiographs
VR01 |
Duplex sonography
VR04 |
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native
VR22 |