Klinik für Neugeborene, Kinder und Jugendliche, Universitätsklinik der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität

Medical expertise

Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Neuropediatrics (AQ36)
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Children's cardiology (AQ34)
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Neonatology (AQ35)
Paediatrics and adolescent medicine (AQ32)
Children's pneumology (ZF20)
Children's gastroenterology (ZF17)
Diabetology (ZF07)
Palliative care (ZF30)


Allergology (ZF03)
Special pain therapy (ZF42)
Intensive care medicine (ZF15)
Nutritional medicine (ZF52)
Child and adolescent gastroenterology (ZF56)
Paediatric and adolescent pneumology (ZF59)
Laboratory diagnostics - subject-specific - (ZF22)