Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Präventivmedizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VI10
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN01
Diagnosis and treatment of other neurovascular diseases Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN02
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory CNS diseases Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN03
Diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmunological diseases Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN04
Diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN05
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases of the brain Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN06
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the brain Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN07
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the meninges Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN08
Diagnosis and treatment of systematrophies that mainly affect the central nervous system Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN10
Diagnosis and treatment of extrapyramidal diseases and movement disorders Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN11
Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN12
Diagnosis and treatment of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system Diagnostische und konsiliarische Mitbetreuung VN13
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances VP01
Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders VP02
Diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders VP03
Diagnosis and treatment of neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders VP04
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders with physical disorders and factors VP05
Diagnosis and treatment of personality and behavioural disorders VP06
Diagnosis and treatment of intelligence disorders VP07
Diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders VP08
Diagnosis and treatment of gerontopsychiatric disorders VP10
Special consultation hour - Psychiatry / Psychosomatics VP12
Psychiatric day clinic VP15