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Zahn- und Kieferheilkunde, Mund- und Kieferchirurgie

Hospital information and services for all specialist departments

External comparative quality assurance
Further information
Teilnahme externe Qualitätssicherung 0
Teilnahme externe Qualitätssicherung 2
Teilnahme externe Qualitätssicherung 2
  • Quality of participation in the Disease Management Programme (DMP)
    No participation
  • Implementation of resolutions of the Federal Joint Committee on quality assurance (G-BA)
    No participation
Number Group
65 Medical specialists (m/f) , psychological psychotherapists (m/f) and child and adolescent psychotherapists (m/f) who are subject to the obligation to undergo further training*
65 Number of medical specialists (m/f) from no. 1 who have completed a five-year period of further training and are therefore subject to the obligation to provide evidence
65 Number of those persons from no. 2 who have provided proof of further training according to Article 3 of the G-BA regulations
* according to the “Provisions of the Joint Federal Committee for the Further Training of Medical Specialists (m/f), Psychological Psychotherapists (m/f) and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (m/f) in Hospitals”
Job Explanation
Project-related cooperation with colleges and universities
No. Training in other healing professions Comment
HB15 Anaesthesia technical assistant (m/f)
HB07 Surgical technical assistant (m/f)

Eike Korhon

Qualitätsbeauftragte; Beschwerdemangemt

Phone: 040 -49065-4381
Mail: ed.grubmah-kinilktzrahcaf@nohrok.e

Dr. Torsten Hemker

Ärztlicher Geschäftsführer

Phone: 040 -49065-4151
Mail: ed.grubmah-kinilktzrahcaf@rekmeh

Dr. med. Torsten Hemker

Ärztlicher Geschaäftsführer

Phone: 040 -49065-4151
Mail: ed.grubmah-kinilktzrahcaf@rekmeh