Complaint management

Structured complaint management was introduced: Yes
Written concept exists: Yes
Handling of oral complaints is regulated: Yes
Handling of written complaints is regulated: Yes
Time targets for acknowledgement are defined: Yes

Frau B. Schwalm - Recht und Compliance

Contact persons

Bärbel Schwalm

Leiterin Stabsstelle Recht und Compliance

Pacelliallee 4
36043 Fulda

Phone: 0661 -84-5130
Mail: ed.adluf-mukinilk@mlawhcs.lebreab


Bürozeiten: Dienstag, 15.00 – 16.00 Uhr Das Büro des Patientenfürsprechers befindet sich in der 1. Etage des Hauptgebäudes (nahe der Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie).


Leo Zehkorn


Pacelliallee 4
36043 Fulda

Phone: 0661 -84-6652
Mail: ed.adluf-mukinilk@ofni

Anonymous input options exist: Yes

über Briefkasten in der Eingangshalle

Patient surveys were conducted: Yes
Website for the patient survey
Referral surveys were conducted: Yes