PDL QMB Mark Griffin
Pflegedienstleitung, Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragter
Wetterauer Platz 1
63679 Schotten
Die zentrale Arbeitsgruppe (interne zentrale QSG = Qualitätssteuerungsgruppe) ist Fach- und Berufsgruppenübergreifend besetzt.
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
Mark Griffin
Wetterauer Platz 1
63679 Schotten
Fach- und Berufsgruppenübergreifend
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
No. | Explanation |
RM01 |
Comprehensive quality and/or risk management documentation (QM/RM documentation) is available Risikomanagement Handbuch, Qualitätsmanagement Handbuch und Leitfaden zur Krisenkommunikation (11.08.2022) |
RM02 |
Regular further education and training measures |
RM04 |
Clinical emergency management VA Notfallmanagement (18.06.2022) |
RM06 |
Fall prophylaxis Expertenstandard Sturzprophylaxe (03.07.2022) |
RM07 |
Use of a standardised concept for pressure ulcer prophylaxis (e.g. “Expert Standard for Pressure Ulcer Prophylaxis in Nursing”) QMV Expertenstandard Dekubitusprophylaxe (23.07.2022) |
RM08 |
Regulated handling of custodial measures QMV Fixierungsrichtlinien (19.07.2023) |
RM09 |
Regulated handling of occurring malfunctions of devices Risikomanagement Handbuch (11.08.2022) |
RM12 |
Use of standardised information sheets |
RM13 |
Application of standardised surgical check lists |
RM16 |
Procedure to avoid procedural and patient mix-ups QMV Team Time Out, Patientenidentifikationsarmband (11.12.2022) |
RM18 |
Discharge management Expertenstandard Entlassungsmanagement (21.02.2023) |
Conference frequency: bei Bedarf
Gemeldete Risiken werden umgehend bewertet.
No. | Explanation |
IF01 |
Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available As of: 06.03.2020 |
IF02 |
Internal evaluation of the received reports taken monatlich |
IF03 |
Training of employees in handling the error reporting system and in implementing the findings from the error reporting system taken jährlich |
Conference frequency: