Allergie-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Abklärung und Behandlung von Erkrankungen des atopischen Formenkreises wie Heuschnupfen, allergisches Asthma, Neurodermitis, Ekzemerkrankungen, Bienen- und Wespengiftallergien, Allergien auf Hausstaubmilben, Arzneimittelunverträglichkeiten der Haut oder Unverträglichkeiten von Berufsstoffen. |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria and erythema Special consultation hour - Dermatology |
Andrologie-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Infertilitätsdiagnostik des Mannes. Vorbereitung zur künstlichen Befruchtung, Interdisziplinäre Behandlung: Operative Eingriffe am Hoden und bei Krampfadern des Hodens, Entwicklungs- und Hormonstörungen bei Jugendlichen, Beischlafprobleme und Potenzstörungen, Wechseljahre des Mannes |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male genital organs Special consultation hour - Urology and nephrology |
Dermatokosmetik-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Injektion von Botulinumtoxin, Injektion von Fillersubstanzen, Chemical Peeling, Mikrodermabrasion, Lasermedizinische Behandlungen (Erb:YAG-Laser, CO2-Laser, Rubin-Laser, Nd:YAG-Laser, KTP- und Farbstoff-Laser, Dioden-Laser) Blitzlampen-Behandlungen, Dermatologisch -kosmetische Beratung u. Behandlung |
Service offered: |
Aesthetic dermatology |
Haar-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Behandlung folgender Krankheiten: Alopecia areata, androgenetische Alopezie, frontal fibrosierende Alopezie, Effluvium |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin appendages |
Interdisziplinäre Pädiatrische Ambulanz (in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Kinderklinik) | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Gemeinsame Sprechstunde von Haut- und Kinderärzten am Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf. Schwerpunkte: Angeborene Hauterkrankungen (Erbkrankheiten), Verhornungsstörungen, Immundefekte, erworbene Hauterkrankungen, Psoriasis vulgaris (Schuppenflechte), Hauttumore |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases |
Infektions-Ambulanz (einschließlich Transplantationskomplikationen) | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases and HIV-associated diseases Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases |
Kollagenose-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Diagnostik und Therapie bei Hautbeteiligung von Kollagenosen (chronisch-rheumatische Erkrankungen des Bindegewebes und der Fasern in den Zellzwischenräumen). |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases Special consultation hour - Dermatology |
PDD/PDT (photodynamische Diagnostik/Therapie) - Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Behandlung folgender Krankheiten: Aktinische Keratosen, Aktinische Feldkanzerisierung, Carcinoma in situ / M. Bowen, (oberflächliches) Basalzellkarzinom |
Service offered: |
Phlebologie-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Behandlung folgender Krankheiten: Krampfaderleiden und andere Gefäßkrankheiten Ulcus cruris (offenes Bein), Erkrankungen der Lymphgefäße, Lipödem |
Service offered: |
Special consultation hour - Dermatology |
Porphyrie-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Diagnostik und Therapie bei: Erythropoetische Protoporphyrie (EPP), Porphyria erythropoetica congenita (M. Günther), Porphyria acuta intermittens (AIP), Hereditäre Coproporphyrie (HC), Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), Hepatoerythropoetische Porphyrie (HEP), Porphyria variegata (PV), Pseudoporphyrie |
Service offered: |
Special consultation hour - Dermatology |
Proktologie-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Diagnostik und Therapie von Krankheiten des Dickdarms oder Mastdarms sowie des Analbereichs. |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis and eczema |
Tumor-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Zertifiziertes Hauttumorzentrum: Diagnostik und Therapie bösartiger Hauttumoren (maligne Melanome, Plattenepithelkarzinome, Basalzellkarzinome, Lymphome, u.a.), Prävention und Früherkennung, operative und systemische Therapie, psychosoziale Betreuung und Tumornachsorge. |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of skin tumours |
Ulkus-Ambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01) |
Comment: | Zertifiziertes UniversitätsWundZentrum: Diagnostik und Therapie von Wundheilungsstörungen bedürfen einer besonderen Expertise und die betroffenen Patienten und Patientinnen werden in unserer interdisziplinären Spezialsprechstunde behandelt. |
Service offered: |
Wound healing disorders |
Dermatologische ambulante Behandlung | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116a of the SGB V or Article 31, para. 1A of the Ärzte-ZV (undersupply) (AM05) |
Comment: | Histopathologische Begutachtung von Hautbiopsien, Histopathologische Begutachtung von Hodengewebsproben (Tumor, Fertilität), Andrologische Diagnostik und Therapie, inklusive Fertilitätsdiagnostik |
Service offered: |
Andrology Dermatosurgery Dermatohistology |
Privatambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Private outpatient clinic (AM07) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Andrology Aesthetic dermatology Dermatohistology Diagnosis and treatment for haemangiomas Diagnosis and treatment of allergies Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases and HIV-associated diseases Diagnosis and treatment of bullous dermatoses Diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis and eczema Diagnosis and treatment of skin tumours Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin appendages Diagnosis and treatment of papulosquamous skin diseases Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria and erythema Special consultation hour - Dermatology |
Notfall-Ambulanz (24h) | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases Diagnosis and treatment of skin and subcutaneous diseases using radiation Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (venereology) Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria and erythema |
Vor- und nachstationäre Leistungen | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Heilmittelambulanz | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Outpatient clinic according to Article 124, para. 3 of the SGB V (dispensing physical therapy, podological therapy, voice, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy) (AM16) |
Comment: | |
Service offered: |
Ambulante Behandlung | |
Type of outpatient clinic: | Guideline on outpatient treatment in hospital according to Article 116b of the SGB V (AM06) |
Comment: |