Martina Wenzlaff
Friedrich-Trendelenburg-Allee 1
18273 Güstrow
alle Fachabteilungen
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
Martina Wenzlaff
Klinik für Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Schmerztherapie und Notfallmedizin, Zentrum für Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Zentrale Notaufnahme, Pflege, Therapiebereiche, Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragte
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
No. | Explanation |
RM01 |
Comprehensive quality and/or risk management documentation (QM/RM documentation) is available VA_Risikomanagement,VA_CIRS (08.08.2022) |
RM02 |
Regular further education and training measures |
RM04 |
Clinical emergency management Notfallmanagement (16.03.2021) |
RM05 |
Pain management SOP_Akut Schmerzversorgung_Güstrow (10.07.2023) |
RM06 |
Fall prophylaxis SOP_Sturzprophylaxe (13.12.2018) |
RM07 |
Use of a standardised concept for pressure ulcer prophylaxis (e.g. “Expert Standard for Pressure Ulcer Prophylaxis in Nursing”) Dekubitusprophylaxe allgemein (25.02.2022) |
RM08 |
Regulated handling of custodial measures Fixierung (26.05.2020) |
RM09 |
Regulated handling of occurring malfunctions of devices VA_Risikomanagement,VA_CIRS (08.08.2022) |
RM10 |
Structured implementation of interdisciplinary case discussions/conferences Case review conference
RM12 |
Use of standardised information sheets |
RM13 |
Application of standardised surgical check lists |
RM14 |
Preoperative summary of predictable critical surgical steps, surgical time and expected blood loss VA_Risikomanagement,VA_CIRS (08.08.2022) |
RM15 |
Preoperative, complete presentation of necessary findings VA_Risikomanagement,VA_CIRS (08.08.2022) |
RM16 |
Procedure to avoid procedural and patient mix-ups LL_Patientenidentifikation (21.04.2022) |
RM17 |
Standards for recovery and postoperative care OP-Statut (03.01.2022) |
RM18 |
Discharge management PS G019 Patientenentlassung (15.09.2023) |
Conference frequency: quartalsweise
Um den Mitarbeitern ein Feedback zu geben und über getroffene Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Patientensicherheit zu informieren, wird halbjährlich ein Newsletter intern verschickt. Des Weiteren nimmt die Klinik am CIRSmedical-Netz Deutschland teil. Bei Bedarf finden Besprechungen zu Fällen in einer häufigeren Frequenz statt.
No. | Explanation |
IF01 |
Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available As of: 08.08.2022 |
IF02 |
Internal evaluation of the received reports taken monatlich |
IF03 |
Training of employees in handling the error reporting system and in implementing the findings from the error reporting system taken bei Bedarf |
Conference frequency: bei Bedarf
No. | Explanation |
EF03 |
KH-CIRS (German Hospital Federation, Action Alliance for Patient Safety, German Nursing Council, German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors) |