Relevant to this:
Respiratory exercises / therapy
Sport therapy / exercise therapy
Ergotherapy / occupational therapy
Continence training / incontinence advice
Creative therapy / art therapy / theatre therapy / bibliotherapy
Music therapy
Physical therapy / bath therapy
Physiotherapy as individual and/or group therapy
Preventive services / prevention courses
Pain therapy / management
Special relaxation therapy
Specialist nursing services
Voice and speech therapy / logopaedics
Aroma care / therapy
Strength training / therapy / work trials
Biofeedback therapy
Memory training / brain performance training / cognitive training / concentration training
Support / advice / seminars for relatives
Dietary and nutritional advice
Discharge management / transitional care
Case management / primary nursing
Special offers for guidance and counselling of patients and their relatives
Cooperation with / contact to self-help groups
Social services
Special services for the public
Psychological / psychotherapeutic services / psychosocial services
In der psychiatrischen Klinik für Erwachsene ist im Zuge der peripartalen Behandlung die Aufnahme eines Begleitkindes bis 24 Monate möglich.
Educational service offer
Special services for parents and families