Klinik für Kinderheilkunde Bereich Neonatologie und neonatologische Intensivmedizin

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) 176 1-208.8
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart 120 8-930
Administration of medicines or salt solutions through the blood vessels in newborn babies 70 8-010.3
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) 60 1-208.1
Care of a new-born baby after birth 46 9-262.1
Use of natural or artificial light for therapeutic purposes - light therapy 43 8-560.2
Function-orientated physical exercises and uses 41 8-561.2
Measurement of hearing - audiometry 40 1-242
Use of a face, nasal, or laryngeal mask for mechanical ventilation 39 8-706
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants 38 8-711.00
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) 33 1-208.x
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) 30 1-208.9
Keeping the respiratory tract open by means of a tube through the mouth or nose 26 8-700.1
Treatment by specific positioning of the patient in bed, e.g. positioning in a sling table or special bed 22 8-390.0
Investigation of the activity of the heart and lungs during sleep 19 1-791
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein 18 8-831.0
Measurement of the brain waves - EEG 17 1-207.0
Function-orientated physical exercises and uses 15 8-561.1
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list 14 6-003.9
13 8-017.2
Patient education 11 9-500.2
10 9-502.0
Care of a new-born baby after birth 9 9-262.0
9 9-502.1
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head without contrast medium 8 3-800
Treatment by specific positioning of the patient in bed, e.g. positioning in a sling table or special bed 7 8-390.1
6 8-017.1
Transfusion of blood plasma or plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins 6 8-810.x
Surgical removal of the small intestine 5 5-454.20
5 8-017.0
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system 5 8-547.30
Insertion of a tube into the trachea for ventilation - intubation 5 8-701
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient 5 8-800.c0
Patient education 5 9-500.0
Artificial feeding through a vein as the main medical treatment 4 8-016
4 8-018.2
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants 4 8-711.20
Patient education 4 9-500.1
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces not specified 1-204.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the small intestine through a surgical incision not specified 1-555.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the rectum or surrounding tissue through a surgical incision not specified 1-557.0
Examination of the trachea and the bronchi by endoscopy not specified 1-620.00
Examination of the urethra and the urinary bladder by endoscopy not specified 1-661
Examination of the ovaries by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-851
X-rays of the oesophagus with contrast medium not specified 3-137
X-rays of the large intestine with contrast medium enema not specified 3-13a
X-rays of the patency of the stomach and intestine not specified 3-13b
Reconstructive operations on the lacrimal duct or punctum not specified 5-086.30
Other reconstructive operations on the tear passages not specified 5-088.2
Other reconstructive operations on the tear passages not specified 5-088.3
Surgical destruction of diseased tissue in the retina or choroid of the eye not specified 5-155.2
Other operations on the retina not specified 5-156.9
Other operations on the tongue not specified 5-259.1
Other operations on blood vessels not specified 5-399.5
Other operations on blood vessels not specified 5-399.x
Surgical removal of the small intestine not specified 5-454.60
Surgical removal of parts of the large intestine not specified 5-455.23
Surgical removal of parts of the large intestine not specified 5-455.43
Operation to bypass the normal intestinal channels not specified 5-459.0
Operation to bypass the normal intestinal channels not specified 5-459.1
Creation of an artificial double-barrel bowel opening (ostomy), as a standalone operation not specified 5-460.10
Creation of an artificial bowel opening (ostomy) with a single stoma, as a standalone operation not specified 5-461.10
Creation of an artificial bowel opening (ostomy) with a single stoma, as a standalone operation not specified 5-461.50
Re-operation or other operations on an artificial bowel opening not specified 5-464.22
Closure of an artificial double-barrel bowel opening, relocating the bowel in the abdominal cavity and restoring the patency of the intestine not specified 5-465.1
Other reconstructive operations on the intestine not specified 5-467.12
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.00
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.10
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.20
Other operations on the intestine not specified 5-469.60
Surgical repair of an inguinal hernia not specified 5-530.00
Surgical repair of an inguinal hernia not specified 5-530.02
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.1
Surgical creation of a connection between the urinary bladder and skin of the abdomen for artificial urinary drainage not specified 5-572.1
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urethra not specified 5-582.1
Surgical removal of a testicle not specified 5-622.1
Type of material used for tissue replacement and tissue reinforcement not specified 5-932.10
Operation using aids for optical magnification, e.g. magnifying spectacles, operating microscope not specified 5-984
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.c
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.02
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.03
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.04
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.05
Administration of medicines according to List 4 of the Catalogue of Procedures not specified 6-004.06
Administration of medicines or salt solutions through the blood vessels in newborn babies not specified 8-010.1
Artificial feeding through a stomach tube as the main medical treatment not specified 8-015.0
Artificial feeding through a stomach tube as the main medical treatment not specified 8-015.1
not specified 8-018.0
not specified 8-018.1
Use of a system to collect stools not specified 8-128
Treatment by washing out (lavage) the abdominal cavity with a drain and temporary closure of the abdominal wall not specified 8-176.2
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system not specified 8-547.31
Treatment by extreme cooling (hypothermia) to reduce the need for oxygen not specified 8-607.4
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants not specified 8-711.01
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants not specified 8-711.10
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants not specified 8-711.11
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants not specified 8-711.21
Mechanical ventilation of newborn babies and infants not specified 8-711.40
Artificial ventilation of children and adolescents not specified 8-712.0
Artificial ventilation of children and adolescents not specified 8-712.1
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.c1
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.f0
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.f1
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.f2
Compensation of fluid deficit in a newborn baby by injection of fluid into a vein not specified 8-811.0
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.60
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.61
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.70
Transfusion of other plasma components or genetically engineered blood proteins not specified 8-812.71
Insertion or exchange of a tube (catheter) in a large vein not specified 8-831.2
Anaesthesia with administration of an anaesthetic into a vein not specified 8-900
Administration of medicines to sedate and eliminate pain not specified 8-903
Monitoring of the brain waves for more than 24 hours not specified 8-920
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation with measurement of the pressure in the superior vena cava (central venous pressure) not specified 8-931.0
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation with measurement of the pressure in pulmonary artery not specified 8-932
Interdisciplinary management for colonisation or infection with multiresistant germs (pathogens) not specified 8-987.11
not specified 8-98g.12
not specified 8-98g.14
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.00
Specific psychotherapeutic procedure where patients are treated individually - individual therapy not specified 9-410.24
Specific psychotherapeutic procedure where patients are treated individually - individual therapy not specified 9-410.26
Specific psychotherapeutic procedure where patients are treated individually - individual therapy not specified 9-410.27
not specified 9-502.2
not specified 9-502.3
not specified 9-502.4
not specified 9-984.7
not specified 9-984.9
not specified 9-984.b