Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Onkologie, Hämatologie, Diabetologie und Rheumatologie, Niederrheinisches Zentrum für Tumorerkrankungen

Medical expertise

General medicine (AQ63)
Internal medicine and gastroenterology (AQ26)
Internal medicine and rheumatology (AQ31)
Internal medicine and hematology and oncology (AQ27)
Diabetology (ZF07)
Physical therapy and balneology (ZF32)
Emergency medicine (ZF28)
Special pain therapy (ZF42)
Acupuncture (ZF02)
Natural medicine (ZF27)
Manual medicine / chirotherapy (ZF24)
Sports medicine (ZF44)
Basic addiction care (ZF45)
Medicinal tumor therapy (ZF25)
Medical quality management (ZF01)
Palliative care (ZF30)