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Hit 11

Name and place Distance (linear distance)
Kreisklinik Berchtesgaden
83471 Berchtesgaden
1.2 km Contact Approach
Schön Klinik Berchtesgadener Land
83471 Schönau
3.5 km Contact Approach
CJD Asthmazentrum Berchtesgaden
83471 Berchtesgaden
4.8 km Contact Approach
83435 Bad Reichenhall
14 km Contact Approach
Kreisklinik Bad Reichenhall
83435 Bad Reichenhall
14.5 km Contact Approach
Klinik für Schlafstörungen GmbH
83435 Bad Reichenhall
14.6 km Contact Approach
Kreisklinik Freilassing
83395 Freilassing
24.3 km Contact Approach
kbo-Inn-Salzach-Klinikum Freilassing
83395 Freilassing
24.3 km Contact Approach
Kreisklinik Vinzentinum Ruhpolding
83324 Ruhpolding
30.6 km Contact Approach
Klinikum Traunstein
83278 Traunstein
38.6 km Contact Approach
Salzachklinik Fridolfing
83413 Fridolfing
43.1 km Contact Approach

Map legend

Hospitals up to 99 beds
Hospitals 100 to 249 beds
Hospitals 250 to 499 beds
Hospitals 500 to 999 beds
Hospitals from 1000 beds