Klinik für Kinderheilkunde II

Outpatient treatment options

Endokrinologische Ambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Montag bis Freitag 11:30-12:30 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-3355, Fax 0201/723-5612
Service offered: Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Gastroenterologische Ambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Montag bis Freitag 09:00-11:00 Uhr, Dienstag 13:30-15:00 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-2812, Fax 0201/723-5649
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Nephrologische Ambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Montag bis Freitag 09:00-12:00 Uhr, Dienstag 13:30-15:00 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-2812, Fax 0201/723-5649
Service offered: Care of patients before and after transplantation
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) paediatric kidney diseases
Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Nephrologische Ambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: Authorisation for outpatient treatment according to Article 116a of the SGB V or Article 31, para. 1A of the Ärzte-ZV (undersupply) (AM05)
Comment: Ambulante Dialyse in Kooperation mit dem Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation, auch Spezialambulanz an Kinderkliniken nach §120 Abs. 1a SGB V; Montag bis Freitag 09:00-12:00 Uhr, Dienstag 13:30-15:00 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-2812, Fax 0201/723-5649
Service offered: Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Endokrinologische, pädiatrische und nephrologische Privatambulanz
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: Prof. Dr. med. Lars Pape; Dienstag und Donnerstag 14:00-16:00 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-2810, Fax 0201/723-5947
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, diabetes)
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) paediatric kidney diseases
Other - Focus of care paediatrics
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Comment: In der Kinderklinik; Telefon 0201/723-3350
Service offered: