Klinik für Unfall-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Outpatient treatment options

Type of outpatient clinic: University outpatient clinic according to Article 117 of the German Social Security Code, Book V (SGB V) (AM01)
Comment: Montag bis Donnerstag 08:00-15:30 Uhr, Freitag 08:00-14:30 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-3183, Fax 0201/723-5835
Service offered: Arthroscopic surgery
Ligament reconstructions/plasties
Treatment of decubital ulcers
Diagnosis and treatment of deformities of the spine and back
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation
Diagnosis and treatment of other injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of tumours of the postural and locomotor organs
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the ankle region and foot
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of wrist and hand injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of head injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
Foot surgery
Joint replacement procedures / endoprosthetics
Hand surgery
Paediatric orthopaedics
Metal / foreign body removal
Rheumatic surgery
Shoulder surgery
Septic bone surgery
Sports medicine / sports traumatology
Tumour Surgery
Spine surgery
Privatsprechstunde Prof. Dr. med. Marcel Dudda
Type of outpatient clinic: Private outpatient clinic (AM07)
Comment: Mittwoch 08:00-12:00 Uhr sowie täglich nach Terminabsprache; Terminvereinbarung mit Frau Hastrich (Chefarztsekretariat); Montag bis Freitag 08:00-14:30 Uhr; Telefon 0201/723-1301
Service offered: Ligament reconstructions/plasties
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation
Diagnosis and treatment of other injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the ankle region and foot
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of wrist and hand injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
Joint replacement procedures / endoprosthetics
Metal / foreign body removal
Septic bone surgery
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Comment: Orthopädisch-unfallchirurgische Notfälle außerhalb der Sprechstunden und Poliklinik werden durch ein erfahrenes Oberarzt- und Facharzt-Team behandelt; somit ist ein Maximum an fachlicher Expertise gewährleistet.
Service offered: Diagnosis and treatment of other injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the ankle region and foot
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of wrist and hand injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of head injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
Type of outpatient clinic: Accident insurance consultant / outpatient clinic of the Employer’s Liability Insurance Association (AM09)
Service offered: Ligament reconstructions/plasties
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation
Diagnosis and treatment of other injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the ankle region and foot
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of wrist and hand injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of head injuries
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries
Joint replacement procedures / endoprosthetics
Child traumatology
Metal / foreign body removal
Septic bone surgery