Klinik für Innere Medizin II - Allg. Innere Medizin, Hämatologie, Onkologie, Blutstammzelltransplantation, Gastroenterologie, Palliativmedizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the veins, lymph vessels and lymph nodes VI05
Diagnosis and treatment of haematological diseases VI09
Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases VI10
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology) VI11
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the anus VI12
Diagnosis and treatment of peritoneal diseases VI13
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas VI14
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs VI15
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases VI18
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases VI19
Special consultation hour - Internal medicine VI27
Treatment of blood poisoning / sepsis VI29
Endoscopy Spiegelung von Speiseröhre, Magen, Dünndarm, Dickdarm - Entnahme von Gewebeproben Pl. coeliacus Blockade bei pankreatogenem Schmerz (Bauchspeicheldrüse) Drainage von Pankreaspseudozysten Nekrosektomie bei nekrotisierender Pankreatitis Submukosadissektion bei Präkanzerosen des Magens/Kolorektums. VI35
Oncological day clinic VI37
Palliative care VI38
Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases VI43
Stem cell transplantation Durchführung von autologen und allogenen Blutstammzelltransplantationen in einer HEPA-gefilterten Behandlungseinheit. VI45