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Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovaskuläre Chirurgie

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561-1002-1510
Fax: 0561-1002-1505
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@abbok.hpesoj

Medical administration

Herr Dr. med. Joseph Kobba (Chefarzt (ab 01.01.2022))

Herr Prof. Dr. Thomas Bürger (Chefarzt)

Information and services of the department

  • Number of inpatient cases: 906

Services search (in the department)

Illness Number of cases
Nerve root and plexus disorders - Brachial plexus disorders (G54.0) 167
Atherosclerosis - Atherosclerosis of native arteries of other extremities with ulceration (I70.25) 147
Atherosclerosis (I70.22) 95
Type 2 diabetes mellitus not insulin dependent from the start (E11.74) 77
Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction (I65.2) 58
Arterial embolism and thrombosis - Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of the lower extremities (I74.3) 44
Atherosclerosis (I70.24) 40
Aortic aneurysm and dissection - Abdominal aortic aneurysm without rupture (I71.4) 37
Varicose veins of lower extremities (I83.9) 31
Atherosclerosis (I70.23) 29
Treatment Number
X-rays of the arteries in the legs with contrast medium (3-607) 286
Revision operations (5-983) 212
X-rays of the arteries in the pelvis with contrast medium (3-605) 204
Computer-assisted analysis of the images with 3D-analysis (3-990) 203
Computed tomography of the abdomen with contrast medium (3-225) 152
Examination of nerve conduction - ENG (1-206) 134
X-rays of the aortic arch with contrast medium (3-602) 131
X-rays of the arteries in the chest with contrast medium (3-603) 130
Computer assisted visualisation of body structures in 3 dimensions - virtual 3D reconstruction technique (3-994) 130
X-rays of the veins in the neck and chest with contrast medium (3-611.x) 126

Hospital information and services for all specialist departments

External comparative quality assurance
Further information
Teilnahme externe Qualitätssicherung 0
Teilnahme externe Qualitätssicherung 1
Teilnahme externe Qualitätssicherung 0
Chronische obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD)
Number Group
50 Medical specialists (m/f) , psychological psychotherapists (m/f) and child and adolescent psychotherapists (m/f) who are subject to the obligation to undergo further training*
36 Number of medical specialists (m/f) from no. 1 who have completed a five-year period of further training and are therefore subject to the obligation to provide evidence
36 Number of those persons from no. 2 who have provided proof of further training according to Article 3 of the G-BA regulations
* according to the “Provisions of the Joint Federal Committee for the Further Training of Medical Specialists (m/f), Psychological Psychotherapists (m/f) and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (m/f) in Hospitals”
Job Explanation
Lectureships / teaching posts at colleges and universities Dozenturen/Lehrbeauftagte: Frau Dr. med. E.Stegemann Herr Prof. Dr. med. B.Reith Staatsexamsprüfungen: Frau Dr. med. E.Stegemann
Lectureships / teaching posts at universities of applied sciences
Student training (clinical traineeship / internship year) Praktisches Jahr: Kontakt über Herrn Dr. Soestmann. Famulatur in allen Fachabteilungen möglich. Kontakt über softgarden (Online-Bewerbung).
Project-related cooperation with colleges and universities Frau Priv. Doz. Dr. Emilia Stegemann (Universität Marburg) Herr Prof.Dr. med. Bernd Reith (Universität Göttingen)
Initiation and management of uni-centric/multi-centric clinical/scientific studies Frau Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Emilia Stegemann
Editors of scientific journals/textbooks Frau Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Stegemann - Ärztliche Direktion/ Chefärztin Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Diabetologie und Angiologie Herr Prof. Dr. med. Reith - Chefarzt Allgemein-, Viszeralchirurgie und Proktologie
Doctoral supervision Frau Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Stegemann - Ärztliche Direktion/ Chefärztin Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Diabetologie und Angiologie Herr Prof. Dr. med. Reith - Chefarzt Allgemein-, Viszeralchirurgie und Proktologie
No. Training in other healing professions Comment
HB03 Physical therapist / physiotherapist (m/f) Ausbildungsvertrag zwischen dem Bereich physikalische Medizin und Fachschulen.
HB10 Midwife (m/f) in Kooperation mit der Hochschule in Fulda. Die praktische Einsätze und Prüfungen finden in unserem Krankenhaus statt.
HB18 Emergency paramedics (m/f) (training period 3 years) Kooperation mit der ASB, Rotes Kreuz, führen praktische Einsätze während der Ausbildung: Intensivstation, Anästhesie, Zentrale Notaufnahme, Geriatrie, Entbindungstation und auf den allgemeinen Pflegestationen
HB19 Nursing professionals Wir bilden Pflegefachfrauen und Pflegefachmänner aus.

Kristin Herbort

Koordinationsstelle Meinungsmanagement

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-3480
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@kkd.negnuniem

Jasmina Walz

ab den 01.09.2021 Koordinationsstelle Meinungsmanagement

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-3480
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@kkd.negnuniem

Kristin Herbort

Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-3460
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@trobreh.nitsirk

Frau Jasmina Walz

Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-3450
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@zlaw.animsaj

Dr. med. Andreas Fiehn, MBA,

Ärztlicher Direktor

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-1201
Mail: ed.lessak-okaid@nheif.saerdna

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Emilia Stegemann

Ärztliche Direktion

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-1600
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@nnamegets.ailime

Dr. med. Andreas Fiehn

Ärztlicher Direktor

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-1201
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@nheif.saerdna

Dr. med. Emilia Stegemann

Ärztliche Direktion

Herkulesstraße 34
34119 Kassel

Phone: 0561 -1002-1600
Mail: ed.noiselpaga@nnamegets.ailime